Getting a gym membership today and I’m already anxious and embarrassed


New member
I’m planning to start tomorrow, so in a few hours I’m going to the local gym, just to get the membership.

However, the thought of it terrifies me. I don’t even know what to tell the staff when i go there and i’ll end up saying something like hello how buy gym.

I’ve only been to a gym once, but it was years ago and people there were very condescending and made fun of me. This scenario just keeps repeating in my head.

Since I need to focus on mainly deficit and cardio for now(doing the other exercises at home for obvious reasons), I feel like I’m going to look like an absolute fool. I don’t even remember how most machines work...

I have no one else supporting me in this and I figured this community would have some encouraging words or advice :/

EDIT: DONE!!!! The guy was really nice and the whole thing just went really smooth and fast. Got a bit scared from the amount of people there, but baby steps is the way and the first one has been attempted. Thank you guys.

EDIT 2: Little update in case anyone is curious or randomly stumbles upon this post - first day went surprisingly well and I’m looking forward to the rest. There were maaany intimidating people there but at some point it didn’t matter and it felt so good. If you’re reading this cause u looked up something like gym anxiety in search of support, this is ur sign to go do the thing. Such a relief + the confidence boost u get once u stop caring is worth the risk of a minor embarrassment.
@joanie59 I completely understand what you say. I went to the gym the other day to ask for prices and stuff and I felt like I was being judged (which probably isn't the case but my anxiety forced me to think that way). Anyway, I'll try to actually go again and start working out.
@joanie59 Your brain is a trainable organ, just as important as working out your muscles, working out positive pathways is too. The more you go, the more you redirect that anxiety and remind yourself that you’re okay and doing a good thing, the easier it is for your brain to default to those pathways. You got this!
@joanie59 I find what's helpful for me the first few times I'm in a gym is to find a cardio machine where I can watch the others hahaha then it kinda shows me how they use the other machines and stuff
@joanie59 You're not alone. Everyone feels awkward at the gym. We all start somewhere and honestly it's nice to see people working to achieve their goals.

You can always ask staff, or strangers using the machine you want if they mind demonstrating...or you can look up youtube videos. That's what I did. 😂

Also check and see what the busy hours are. Going when it's less busy might help with your anxiety. If you decide you don't like your gym or want a different one, try looking for one with a women's fitness area. It's a closed off room where only women are allowed to be to workout. They have cardio and weight lifting machines.
@joanie59 If you can afford a few sessions with a personal trainer that could really help you gain confidence in a gym. Trainers are so great at teaching form and how to use machines. As well as reps/sets and how to split up your workout.
@joanie59 Yay you did it! When I was just getting into gymming I would just show up and walk on the treadmill and watch people just to see what the heck exercises looked like and which machines looked like fun.

Not creepy watching people just kind of letting people exist in the same space as me and observing their activities.

Also sometimes I could only bring myself to just show up and go tanning or use the massage bed.

Just showing up is 75% of the battle imo.
@joanie59 If it's gym staff that is rude or condescending report their asses to management. Most gym owners won't stand for that. To reiterate what most in here have said, most people if anything are going to think good for you for being here, because regardless of where you are in the journey you showed up. Don't hesitate to ask gym staff for guidance on machines when you're ready, its what they get paid for. Some gyms even offer free personal training for new members for that purpose so don't forget to see what's included besides just the keys to enter. At the end of the day I know its easier said than done but tune anyone and anything else out. Show up and do you. You got this 👍
@joanie59 Yay! I’m happy to see you did it!
Remember any day that nerves/anxiety are keeping you away, make yourself a deal that as long as you go and walk on the treadmill for 5 mins you can leave. It gives you an out, but you’ll probably stay
@joanie59 I wanted to post as someone who others would probably consider intimidating (as I've been told) and who one might think is judging all the newbies. (I'm a powerlifter and bodybuilder).

I am absolutely more concerned with my own workout for the day than I am in looking around the gym and seeing what everyone else is doing. I am so focused on my own lifts that I don't even see what everyone else around me is lifting or doing.

I also remember what it was like to be a beginner. Squatting the bar was actually heavy for me at first. I'd use 5lbs for upper body lifts. We all start somewhere.

I am always more than happy to help people out in the gym. I am happy to show you how to do a certain exercise or how to use a machine and answer whatever questions you may have. Sometimes the intimidating-looking bodybuilders and powerlifters are the nicest people you will meet in the gym.

Anyone who is rude or condescending towards you is not worth your time and it is never about you, but their insecurities with themselves. Everyone has a right to be in the gym working on their health.
@joanie59 this post is crazy because I literally feel the EXACT same way. congrats on getting thru it! do u mind sharing what exactly you said to the front desk?
@toriadlg I used to work at a gym and you can go up to the front desk and simply say, "Hi, I'd like to sign up for a membership." And they will likely run through the memberships they offer and ask if you want a tour of the facility. They'll likely just take over the conversation and take care of everything for you :)
@toriadlg I don’t even remember what i said, it was something in the lines of “Hi, I’d like to get a one-month card” and the guy immediately knew what I was referring to and quickly ran me through the basics like carry a towel, clean shoes, mask policies etc.
I SWEAR is not as hard and awkward as i thought it would be. Will see about the actual gym going. But If i, shaking and about to vomit before i went in, got through the talking thing, you can too. Good luck!!