Getting super fatigued after personal training?

@countrygurl32 Even just a quick protein bar and some quick carbs can make a difference.

I’m not sure what you’re caloric situation is but if you’re not feeding yourself enough that could be part of it.

You could always go for a nice walk or something low key instead if you still want to do something on those days.
@countrygurl32 The same thing happened to me!

I (30F started doing OrangeTheory Fitness (1hr of rowing/tread/weights) after consistently doing Pilates 4-5x/wk before that. At first, I would get completely exhausted after the OTF workouts. But after doing it consistently for 4-5 weeks, I got used to it! I just needed time to adjust. I’ve also noticed my energy levels have increased overall since starting OTF.

I think it’s important to check that your eating/drinking/sleeping enough, but it may also just mean you’re doing something harder than your body is used to. Hopefully if you (safely) stick with it, you’ll get your energy back soon!
@countrygurl32 I have Apple Watch and when the Move calories hit more than 400% on that day, post-Zumba and my Sunday PT session, I'd crash once I got home. I was burning too much calories and I wasn't used to it. But last Sunday, it was only 300% Move calories (100% = 320 move calories from exercise etc) and I went home and managed to work for a bit.

Have some sort of way to measure your activity level and scale down when it gets too high. Knowledge is power :)
@holyshrits Hmm interesting. I have my activity goal set at 500 calories. Why? No particular reason I guess, but I didn’t want just walking around to fulfill it easily, I wanted to actually have to workout for it. But it’s not like I’m actively trying to meet a certain calorie amount.

My average the last few months has been 400ish and before then it was like 320ish average. I’ll try tracking it more closely this week and see if I notice anything.

I’ve set my workout minutes to 1 hour because that’s 1 class. Before it was 30 mins and I was getting 200-400% exercise goal which seemed silly lol
@countrygurl32 Do you sweat a lot? Or drink a lot of water? Have you tried supplementing electrolytes daily?

For me when i get exhausted like this it’s almost always 1 of 2 things: not eating enough or my electrolytes are off. Since you already addressed the food I’d be curious if replacing at least 1 bottle of water with an electrolyte drink might help?

Gatorade, powerade, or any of the packets you add to water all help. I like Liquid IV and Nuun.
@countrygurl32 I'm not working out nearly as much as you but I have the same issue on my PT day. It exhausts me; I'll fall asleep on the couch if I sit down. I am also almost 60 so I figured it was my age. I try to relax the rest of that day and go to bed early, I'm really a busy person so I kind of like it - it is a built in day of rest.
@countrygurl32 Sounds like you’re overtraining. I’d make sure to take a couple days “off” where you only do a very gentle stretching routine or a leisurely walk.

I’ve been in your shoes and I eventually crashed and burned and gained 75 pounds. Don’t be me.

2 classes a day is too much, even if you feel they aren’t challenging, your body needs downtime to recover from your challenging workouts.
@countrygurl32 This sounds like a medical issue... If your body isn't sore, but you are this tired I would ask for a full panel at your GP. Also, naps are okay. Like when did they get such a bad rap in our society? I love a good nap...