Goal weight for 5ft 2in F?

@dan123 5’2” - Currently 120lbs and my long-term goal is 110lbs. I feel pretty good at my current weight already, but when I was 110lbs two years ago I felt my best. It’s mainly a few aesthetic differences like rn I have a slightly rounder face, thiccer thighs, and softer stomach. I’ve always enjoyed running and it’s my main form of exercise 1-2hrs 4x a week, and I also end up eating a loooot to fuel my body.

Id gone from 110 -> 125 during a stressful time where I binge-ate and only ran 1-2x a week. At 125lb i definitely felt the weight and it actually affected my quality of life (would get headaches, chafing thighs, stomach felt tight and uncomfortable). I’m slowly losing weight and would like to eventually lose these last 10lbs, but I’m honestly very happy with where I’m currently at and how I sustain my body, so losing weight isn’t a super conscious goal of mine rn
@dan123 i’m 5’1 and weigh 116 lbs now, my goal weight is 108. At my lightest when I was depressed I was 98 lbs and i looked sick. Now i go to the gym and trying to lose fat while building muscle. I think 110 lbs on a 5’2 frame is pretty realistic too, but anywhere from 110-115 should be fine since you’re a little taller than me. good luck
@dan123 Got to 105 and been maintaining for a couple years, for me it requires a lot of steps and mental tracking (not proper calorie counting using an app, just an awareness of my general calorie consumption with knowledge i gained from prior calorie counting)
@dan123 I'm 120 down from 130 and my goal is 110 but once I get there I hope to gain 5-10 pounds in muscle.

Great question about how to maintain it. I feel like I've made a few fixes as of late that can be long term. For cardio I started bike commuting so now I cycle 2 hours a day if I go to the office or out with friends. That's more cardio than I've ever done and it's nice to arrive and feel comfortable eating having already burned 300-500 calories. It takes me longer but I'm happier (without a normal commute), healthier, smarter (listen to audiobooks on bike instead of scrolling on train), and just a better more energetic person. People get a better version of me when I arrive at a place after an hour of ( low intensity, non sweaty) exercise.

The other fix might be the vitruvian for weight lifting. I just got it. But I find I can get to the gym twice a week but not three times. Hope this is the fix.

Other massive improvements that I think I can sustain long term is volume eating. I love that concept. And the ninja creami solves a lot of my sweet craving and protein goals.
@dan123 I’m 5”3, in my 30s, weigh 147lbs. I looked my in MyFitness Pal tracker and the lowest I’ve weighed was around 132-135lbs between 2015 and now, highest was 155-157lbs, but the majority of the time I’ve been around the 145lbs mark.

I don’t remember a time in my life when I weighed in the 110s?? So maybe I was around 120lbs in high school and of course gained weight in university lol.

But to echo what others have been saying, body composition is so much more important to me than weight. I don’t know what my “dream body” will weigh, and so my focus is on weight lifting 3-4 times a week, cardio pretty regularly, and eating nutritiously (in a deficit) if I want to lose weight.

Slow and steady progress with an endomorph body type, but I’m getting there after starting on my body comp journey!
@dan123 I maintained 110 last summer and I was very comfortable at that weight. I just ended a 6 month bulk and gained 10 lbs. I am not aiming to get back down to 110, hopefully with a little more muscle than prior. I started my weight loss journey at 163 pounds. To get down to 110 I prioritized protein and lifted weights 2-4 times/week. I plan to continue to do the same thing I’ve done but this time I’m going to sprinkle in some cardio… I’ve always avoided cardio so I’m hoping a change in routine will make this cut smooth. 😆
@dan123 I’m a similar height (5’1) and prefer 125 lbs myself. I got down to 120 and just looked too skinny for my preferences - could see the bones in my sternum and no butt/boobs 🤪 I think it’s a really individual thing, though! Depends on where your body carries weight and your body type.
@dan123 F25, I’ve always been around 120 lbs. I dropped down to 110lbs prior to pregnancy and shot up to 155 lbs after. Currently at 128/130. My goal is maybe around 125 lbs right now. Looking back at photos at 110 lbs- I was just skin and bones. I’m not trying to be the skinniest person anymore, I’d much rather be toned and strong. I want boobs and a butt. I’m a woman, not a girl.

I look better at a toned 130 lbs than I did at 110 lbs. I’d like to see what a toned 120-125 lbs looks like for me. 110lbs was very unsustainable for me and the only reason I was there was because I wasn’t eating/making bad choices. I looked gauntly and it was clear I was malnourished (dull hair/skin to name a few).

My body fat is currently around 23.5% and it’s great here!
@dan123 I'm 5'2" in early 30s and fluctuate around 120-125. I had a goal weight of 115 but it seemed impossible to get there. I'm now focused on 120 but with a recomp, swapping some fat with lean muscle. I was 115 in university but still wasn't happy with my body cuz I was "skinny fat"
@dan123 I'm shorter than you, 154cm, but otherwise 47kg. This should be 5 or 5'1 and 107 lbs. What I do is I mostly try not to overeat so as to sustain that weight. I do have a sweet tooth and I'm not a health freak. But I mostly eat vegetables, plenty of salads, avoid carbs for breakfast, aim at having a good amount of protein (I eat plant-based mostly) and I am physically active but nothing crazy. I don't drink juices and such, so don't have many liquid calories, and I don't eat after drinking alcohol cause I see that as a very easy way to gain. I don't drink very much when I do drink either. I drink plenty of water and walk quite a lot, at least 10k steps most days. Hope that helps :)
@dan123 I was 107 at the height of my ED relapse. Since recovering, I have been about 122 (5’2). I try to go to the gym 4 days a week with 3 lifting/cardio day and 1 pure cardio day. I think going back to 110 would be very difficult without going back to my unhealthy behaviors. The only thing I really miss about that size is my thighs, so I am trying to figure out how to slim them down in a healthy way. Sorry to ramble on about myself, hope it helps?
@dan123 5’ and I feel my best at 116-118. 110 would be really hard for me to maintain and quiet frankly I’d probably have to be very restrictive on the day to day. No thanks.
@dan123 110 is a low weight if you're trying to be fit at that height imo. At 107lbs I was skinny skinny and I am over an inch shorter. Everyone's weight distribution is different, but as you stated it seems your body wants to stay at a higher weight. I'd focus more on measurements and less on scale. Keep a healthy waist to hip ratio and work on your fitness goals. Weight is sort of a useless measurement unless talking extremes.
@dan123 I’m 5’2 and I would like to be anywhere between 115-125. I know that sounds like a big gap but I’ve felt comfortable most times at any weight between these. I have a large bust and I tend to see weight in my face once I get to 130 which is what I am around now. Granted I have a few medical conditions and I take a lot of medications, my goal is to reduce my weight naturally and not being sick in the hospital. My lowest weight was post pregnancy ( I had a horrible pregnancy) and I was 109 pounds. The most I’ve ever weighed was 150 when I was a teen on the depo shot. I think anything under 115 is too much weight loss for me and makes me look sickly especially because I have IBD and tend to lose muscle when I’m sick.

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