@robrandazzo Yeah I'm big on failure. Everything that can safely be taken to failure is taken to failure every set. Less safe movements I usually keep 1 RiR.
I don't do a ton of volume. Usually between 12-15 sets for muscle groups. Only 6 of isolation for bis tris Rear delts, etc.
I grow pretty well.
Really id argue that the pump is best achieved by failure anyway, at least the very best pumps, although they aren't necessarily indicative of muscle growth.
And volume I'd say doesn't matter really if the sets aren't close enough to failure. You could do 50 sets with 10 RiR all day and not grow, or hardly grow.
Studies have been showing recently you can grow from just 2 or 3 sets a week on a muscle group taken to failure. Not necessarily optimally but you can grow.
I just think the closer to failure the more the rep stimulates Hypertrophy. Idc if it generates extra fatigue. I'm not here to worry about fatigue, I'm here to grow. I'd rather get fatigue that can be managed and guarantee that I grow than keep things at an estimated 3 RiR, grow much less, and still have to manage fatigue that you generated, the only difference is this fatigue hardly built any muscle.