Great video about bloating

@400596rd Please don't take this as confrontational. There is quite a lot of science that says that gluten intolerance is not a thing, so I've wondered if it's actually a wheat intolerance (because the two go together). Wondering what your thoughts are on this? I am not disputing that you could be gluten intollerant, I am genuinely interested in it and whether it's really wheat! I wonder how you could find out
@cabeyta Celiac is definitely a thing. Anecdotally, though, for me specifically I'm pretty sure my gluten sensitivity is really to the carbos in wheat. I can have seitan (pure wheat gluten) and be fine, but a bit too much bread (I can have a little and be ok) and I'm in pain
@golfer61 Hi! I am gluten intolerant but don’t have any issues with my bowels. Symptoms included bloating of course but also include fatigue, low mood/energy, acne/skin issues, and brain fog. When I stopped eating gluten I was amazed that this is how normal people feel all the time yet it was a somewhat subtle change at the same time. Could have gone my whole life eating gluten if I didn’t commit to cutting it out and I’m pretty happy I did. I do allow myself occasional gluten-y treats though since my intolerance isn’t horrible and I only get symptoms when I’m eating a lot of gluten.

It won’t hurt to cut it out for a bit if you think it might be beneficial to you! You can always go back if there’s no change.
@cabeyta Thanks. I’ve never cared about bloat but one of my friends has been really bothered by it lately so I’ll show her this.

PS- Do people normally eat that much sushi?? I can put down a steak & potato but I’m full after one roll. 🍣
@armana I thought the same with the shushi! I've found two rolls is usually a good full feeling but my eyes always end up bigger than my stomach and I want more.
@cabeyta She’s one of my favorites! Her videos are always science-backed and I believe she went to school for biochemistry or something close to it. Love her stuff.
@cabeyta Thank you! I've never really appreciated the effects of bloating on my own body. I've known it's normal, but we can get caught in that "fat day/skinny day" mentality so easily.
@cabeyta Look into if your bloating is just "regular" bloating or some kind of intolerance, IBS, etc... Some bloating is normal, but a lot of bloating every day could indicate something more (though most likely nothing serious!)
@dawn16 Speaking of bloating, how much do you guys fart in any given hour of any given day? I feel like I'm passing little bits of gas every fifteen minutes lol. It's usually not smelly so I don't mind, but I'm probably producing more methane than a cow.
@pwl Me too. I am very farty. And now I'm eating lots of protein they are stinky and super embarrassing!! I had a massage yesterday and was very proud of myself for not farting for an hour 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@dawn16 Yeah my friend always complains about bloating and I have literally no idea what she’s talking about. I don’t think I bloat at all but hers is severe.