Great video about bloating

@dawn16 I was scheduled to have a colonoscopy/scope done next week for this but had to cancel today because they expected me to pay $1250 up front day of. Guess I’ll just die!
@dawn16 Yeah I had really bad IBS for years after getting malaria and giardia and had to go on the fodmap diet for years, so it's definitely some food issues with me. So hard to figure out :( and stress is also a bit factor.
@cabeyta Are you able to eat normal foods now? I tried AIP diet for a couple months (obviously not long enough, just wanted to see if symptoms improved) and the only thing that happened was I'm even MORE allergic to foods I used to tolerate well lol.
@pwl Yes pretty much. Basically what happened is that j went on the fodmap diet with pretty good but mixed resutks, moved to a place in the Pacific and started eating a lot of Japanese food which I do think helped. Then I got issues with not having enough fiber. It was very hard to mentally do but I just made the decision to eat normally again whilst still avoiding some major foods, which for me are onions for sure and then I am just... Scared if beans lol. Need to try beans again. I am not certain of course but I think the change in diet changed my gut biome BUT then I had issues with not enough fiber.
eating a lot of Japanese food which I do think helped. Then I got issues with not having enough fiber

I spent a couple months in Japan and had the same experience. I never really gave it much thought until now, but I remember having such bad constipation there that the toilet bowl was usually bloody.

I could handle beans okay before I did AIP, but now my symptoms are so bad they I've cut them out completely. When I went vegan, I lived on lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, etc. I made lentil soup recently, and I was a painfully bloated nonstop farting machine for a full day after lol. Never had that before I cut it out... :/
@pwl The more you avoid certain foods the harder you digest them, apparently. Something about the enzymes required to digest that food group disappearing or something because of not consuming it for a while
@400596rd Which makes me wonder how an elimination diet is supposed to help if you want to eat stuff like legumes... Because logically you'd have to eat lots of beans for your stomach to acclimate right?
@cabeyta FODMAPs is a dirty word as far as I’m concerned. Curse the FODMAPs. Gimme the broccoli, asparagus, and mushrooms or give me death. By death I mean highly irritated bowels of course.
@emily007 I be shitting that shit out whole right now. Why are FODMAPs suddenly so agitating? Bc I’m 30? Or bc I’m working out??

Ughh husband had to take apple out of my hand today.
@emily007 I know I should do the FODMAP thing but if I never try it I won’t be able to say for sure “yes that fixed it” and then I can keep on pretending that I don’t have to give up garlic or onions or mushrooms or broccoli.
@emily007 Haha yes!! After being on it for years I started to have issues because of too little fiber. I do think that it helped rebalance my gut flora but it sucked and made life incredibly stressful. I still can't eat onions and some other things but I'm mainly back on a healthy normal diet.
@cabeyta The onion thing is hereditary in my family--half of us have it and half don't. For us it's a missing enzyme (alpha-d-galactosidase aka Beano). We all take it when we dine out, and don't use onions at home. It works like a charm. I love onions, personally--they just hate my guts. That immediate rumbly feeling....uh oh.
@eddycharles Really?? I stopped being able to eat onions in my mid-20s (get crazy heartburn and upset stomach, even threw up once) unless they are cooked forever until almost mushy. Is this what would happen to you? I'm curious to try out beano now...
@cabeyta I'm in the middle of my period and have been carb-loading to fuel some extra-intense workouts. I needed this video today— thank you!