Group Programming Exercise..


New member
In traditional main site style lets start a fun programming thread experiment. Here are the parameters:

I will post the first three METCONs w/the intent focused strictly on GPP development. Follow up my post w/three of your own and lets see how many interesting workouts we can come up with..

Workout 1

Modality/Load: Monostructural + Gymnastics

Time: >20

Total Reps: High (>200 reps)

Scheme: Couplet

Priority: Time

Movements: Running + Burpees

METCON: 30 minute run for max distance stopping every 2 minutes to complete 5 burpees.

Workout 2

Modality/Load: Monostructural + Gymnastics + Weightlifting

Time: 11-20 min

Total Reps: High (>200 reps)

Scheme: Triplet

Priority: Time

Movements: Dumbbell Thrusters + Pull-Ups + Air Assault Bike


5 double dumbbell thrusters w/50# DBs

8 C2B pull-ups

11 cal air assault bike

Workout 3

Modality/Load: Gymnastics + Weightlifting + Gymnastics

Time: 5-10 min

Total Reps: Medium (50-200 reps)

Scheme: Triplet

Priority: Task

Movements: Box Jumps + Deadlifts + GHD Sit-Ups

METCON: 21-15-9

box jumps w/24'' box

deadlifts w/225 lbs

GHD sit-ups

For Time

Workout 4


+ + +
@sara23 Ill try and remember 3 of my favorites that I came up with and not ones that I have done programmed by others such as HWPO, mainsite etc

a) ALTEMOM40 (influenced by HWPO forsure)
  1. 15 wall ball 20/14,
  2. 15 cal bike erg
  3. 15 burpees
  4. rest
b) 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
  1. Cal echo bike
  2. Burpee pull up
c) EMOM10 (simple but a killer)

- 10 Thrusters 95/65

d) 5 rounds

21 calorie ski

15 bench press (165/105#)

9 D ball clean (150/100#)

Honorable Mention

10 rounds

15 Cal bike erg

15 GHD sit ups
@sara23 Yesterday i did a 40 MIN EMOM

A) 13 Cal Row

B) 10 Dual Dumbbell Box Step Overs 50lbs

C) 13 Echo Cal Echo

D) 50ft Handstand Walk