@dontdosadness Hi, after the 14 day period is over will the BWF Primer routine find its place in the wiki as a beginner routine alongside RR(new) and all advanced routines?
@dontdosadness As a beginner, is there any equipment I should be buying before starting on Jan 1st? I have a yoga mat... that's about it Do I need a pullup bar?
@marcusfetzer Nothing is mandatory as stated in the post, but Olympic rings will make the bodyweight rows significantly easier than macgyvering a "towel in the door" set up. They can also later be used for pull ups and other more advanced exercises.
Rings are likely the single best cost to benefit ratio purchase a beginner can make if you are going to buy anything. They're only like 40$ even here in maple syrup land where everything is like 20% more expensive. Start thinking about where you can safely mount or hang them before pulling the trigger though.
@marcusfetzer From what is in the post, no, not for the foundations phase. Eventually you’ll want to train pull-ups in which case you do need somewhere to do those, but maybe see if you like doing body weight training first.
@dontdosadness This is fantastic, and almost exactly what I found myself typing out for new people that bounced off the RR. Take it slow, one block of text and exercise out a time until you've got them all.
When the all the routines are updated with their new versions in 2021 can you mention which primary muscle group(s) each exercise work? I know all are compound movements. Still the pushup works chest and triceps more than biceps. I am talking about that.
This is exactly the reason I wasn't able to begin RR for so long. So this year I decided, OK, will make it my top priority to read and learn everything, focus on skill days first and hopefully perform a full RR workout by February. Started the grind today > warmup > deadbugs > link to your site > "The Deadbug is without a doubt, the single most important core exercise out there" > me: "niiiice" > BWF Primer > WHOA, THIS IS PERFECT!
@dontdosadness Sorry if it was asked before.. what about a program for weighted calisthenics? I think it'd be pretty cool.. also I think if reddit had 1 feature we really need is to show gifs or videos of form for beginners when they check the sidebar granted you can link but sometimes it's a pain in the ass for mobile I guess and more user friendly?
@lizmoshes Well, it's for absolute beginners who haven't exercised before.
the purpose of this routine is for them to understand proper form of some of the fundamental exercises, build competency in those exercises as well strength and muscle.
@lewis5398 Pull ups and dips require somewhere to do them and are a bit harder to macgyver than rows and push ups. The number of "this is impossible, look at how much shit I need" posts of new people excusing themselves from actually reading the RR indicates leaving them out of the primer is a wise choice.
Their early progressions are also very different than the basic movements and don't give the same "hey I just accomplished something!" warm and fuzzies as rows and push ups.