Has anybody else just gotten sick of protein?

@kenhui I mix some into my breakfast oatmeal (total 30g) and usually chug a smoothie down (another 30g) later in the day/night. The rest I get from regular foods. So given there’s usually protein in my lunch and dinner that gets me up to around 120g easy.

This methods helps spread my protein intake out throughout the day as I read your muscles can only absorb 25-30g per meal
@kenhui Yeah the American obsession with protein is problematic and based in a lot of myth. Worth looking into the history behind it. Maintenance Phase has a good episode on it.
@kenhui YES I am so done stuffing myself to get my protein lol I can get in 80g okay and then I’m full and I’m not going to keep pushing it I don’t care. I don’t care anymore if I look like a flat plank.
@kenhui Are you certain you are not underestimating how much protein is in the foods you eat? 100 grams isn't that much. 3.5 ounce? I can eat that in a single meal without even having to think about it.
1.5 cups of uncooked red lentils gives about 70 grams (2.5 ounce) of protein. Cooked into a tarka dahl, I inhale that shyit. A half pack of Cauldron brand tofu has 26 grams (.9 of an ounce). Throw in some veg, potatoes and some nuts and seeds and the protein is going to be in excess of 98 grams (3.5 ounce). That for me is one meal. I could easily eat an entire pack of tofu along with some tempeh and veggie bacon/sausage/beyond burger/etc. when I'm in the mood for a fry up. Probably well in excess of 4 ounces. I can easily eat over an ounce of protein worth of crunchy peanut butter with some molasses or fruit jam or even just as it is maybe with some fruit on the side. I can also put away like a kilo of roast veg which is around 0.5 - 1 ounce of protein depending on the choice of veg. It all adds up.

I went off using protein powders when I realised how much sodium goes into the manufacture. One ounce of protein from powders was pushing the daily limit for sodium consumption and I like to salt my food, so... yeah. I realised once I started doing the numbers that protein isn't really difficult to get. Even vegetables have a reasonable amount in them.

Channa dahl and red lentils are a staple for me. If cooked properly they are delicious. Look for Indian recipes because those guys really know how to cook pulses. I have developed my own tarka dahl recipe after watching a bunch of videos on youtube - it tastes just the way I like it and I can't get enough of it.
@thecookdebra Dal is one of my favorite foods! And I know how to make dosa to go with it. :) That said, as much as I'd love to eat 1.5 cups of lentils in a meal, it's just not in my calorie budget, nor would my digestive system enjoy it. Eating 28g of protein via peanut butter would mean eating almost half of my daily calories in peanut butter.

I think this largely comes down to meal size. I maintain on ~1800 cals, so I can't be eating as much as you are in a meal unless I'm doing OMAD.
@smileagain I was giving reference points. You said you are having difficulty eating 100 grams in a day. I didn't say you should be able to eat 100 grams in one meal I said I can easily eat that in one meal. Spread that over 4 meals from different foods and I don't see why that is a problem. I also don't get why people decided to vote me down for talking about what I eat.

Maybe you should just focus less on capping out your calories at 1800 and put on a little muscle.
@thecookdebra I’m not the OP, and I’m not having any trouble hitting my protein goals. I just wanted some clarification about your comment. I’ve put on ~10 pounds of muscle in the last year or so, and I wasn’t looking for suggestions about what to do with my body anyway.
@kenhui I never drink protein shakes lol. Not sure if you’re looking for product recs but I’ll give a shoutout to my faves: field roast sausages and super team savory protein bars. Both are high protein and so tasty, but unfortunately they’re not cheap.
@kenhui For me, I’m T2D & nd baby fat loss so I’m still concerned to maximize my lean mass & minimize my fat % to healthy lvls so I’ll keep prioritizing protein. I get body scans every 3 mos so that tells me whether I’m successful or not. So far increasing my protein has made significant difference!
@kenhui I’ve added pretty good gains to my neck and legs in the last year. Nothing insane but can tell my knees and calves are more strong.
But I take no supps aside from vitamins and iodine etc for my general health.
I just focus on eating like rice, beans as much as I can and eat a lot of fruit.

I’ve been able to sustain very high activity levels for my personal record this way.
I run like 15 miles a week.
Lift 3 days a week.

I have recovery weeks where I will only lift twice a week.
But I just move at my pace seeing as most body builders are on drugs that synthesize gains on any diet.

So muscle building general info on men is very bad atm.
I would imagine people are not supposed to have as much muscle as it’s being advertised atm.
I would imagine even the statues in Rome or Greece to have been slightly exaggerated too.

But that’s just my opinion of it all.
@kenhui It got so much easier for me to hold metrics with higher protein density foods like TVP and homemade seitan. 90%+ protein and fat-free.
@kenhui TVP is a real easy way of getting protein in. 50 grams for one cup and almost all EAAs. Cuts your intake in half and then you can eat whatever the fuck you want