Has anyone tried Pegan protein bars?


New member
Has anyone tried these?The macros seem wonky (6f 26c 20 p, 150 cal) even considering that the carbs are mostly prebiotic fiber.

I was wondering if they were any good.
@valshantal My husband does veg keto and he tried these. He learned afterwards that the company that makes them is under investigation from the FDA for mislabeling, particularly around the "0g net carbs" claim. There's lots of blogger-type stories about the impact of their products on diabetics, worth a read, but for straight facts here's the FDA site with the warning letters: https://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/2014/ucm407036.htm

Beyond nutritional content, I tried a bite and they were really chalky....not great compared to others I've tried.
@laurabaker Lol. he is pretty dedicated, it's impressive! I'm usually one to just eyeball my macros and call it a day, and I really respect all the effort.

He had a hard time finding low carb protein options, and he found that Tofurky slices and sausages are a really good solution that doesn't mess with the fat count! I'm fond of the taste of the slices, too, definitely something I'd recommend.

To be fair, he's vegetarian, so he still eats eggs and dairy - makes some of his targets a little easier.

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