Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! šŸ˜£

@p77cf Honestly I couldnā€™t do 7am if you paid me - but 8am is a world of difference and totally doable. Highly recommend finding a studio that offers 8-9am class bc itā€™s totally worth it and way easier than waking up at 5:30am (ugh.)
@p77cf I feel like I couldā€™ve written this post myself, OP! Same boat! I find that jumping out of bed and refusing to get back in helps a ton. Along with that: having my gym clothes laid out, water bottle washed & ready, coffee timer set (I always have a cup before or on my drive to the gym), and reminding myself my evenings will be more relaxing help as well. You got this!!!
@p77cf Despite all the grindsetters on here, if you genuinely have delayed-phase sleep you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of misery. Thereā€™s no prize for doing CrossFit the earliest; try a gym that has a time that works for you.
@p77cf Here's what I figured out. I do 8 AM WOD. My gym is a ~10 minute walk away from my apartment.
  • I have to go to bed by midnight. (I'm in NYC, and am naturally a night owl who would def naturally go to bed ~1 AM/ 2AM, this is the compromise with myself/my circadian rhythm)
  • I sleep dressed in my workout clothes tbh. (Some people have found this weird but mainly because most people I know sleep naked, which I've never liked for myself for some reason.)
  • Get up at 7, with a second alarm at 7:15. The first alarm is to just wake up / contemplate my existence / check apps on my phone, the second one is the mandatory "you have to get out of bed now" alarm.
  • Use the bathroom, brush teeth.
  • Eat a banana / drink pre-workout.
  • Be out the door by 7:35 at the latest.
But really once I get out of bed and into my bathroom, the day has been won.