Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣


New member
31F. Exactly what the title says, I have the hardest time waking up from a dead sleep!
I never regret going to a class and I always feel better when I do. I just cannot get myself to get up!
My goal is Tues-Fri from 7am-8am. I can do really well one week and completely fall off the wagon the next. (And next, and next…) ☹️
I do struggle with depression and anxiety, but I’ve been on the same medications for a couple years now.
The only change in my life currently is that I’m working a later shift now. I go to work from 4pm-8/9pm. I’m an old soul and typically would be wound down on the couch with tea at the time I’m getting off work now, and sometimes I’d have fallen asleep on the couch by 8 or 9pm! (Because I had gone to CrossFit in the morning and then went to work from about 8am-3:30pm.)
This has to be the factor that’s causing the disruption in my schedule. It’s been going on 2 months now that I’ve had this new job, when will it give?? 😖😫

UPDATE: thank you all for your responses! This morning I set my alarm across the room with my gym clothes. I made it there, got my workout in, and came home for a 2 hour nap. I feel great!
@p77cf For about a decade, I've lived with one simple rule concerning what happens first thing in the morning - "eyes open, feet on the floor." That's it. Literally just stand up. Just do that every single day - once you're eyes are open, you stand up. Do that for 30 days straight and it'll soon be harder to lay in bed than just get up and start your day.

Once you're on your feet every day, you'll likely find it easier to just do other things (like grab your bag and head out to the gym). There's a million reasons to not do something, you can still find a way to do it anyway. Good luck.
@p77cf Discipline trumps motivation. Be the type of person who gets up when their alarm goes off. Put your alarm across the room or in the hallway and dont go back to bed once you turn off the alarm. Make it work.
@mariakatrina 100% this.

Motivation could change day to day. But if you are disciplined you simply get out the door no matter how you feel.

I used to be a regular 6 am swimmer. No matter how I felt I’d wake up and get out the door long before my brain rationalized why I should / shouldn’t.
  • Make it as easy as possible for you to get out the door. Set everything out the night before. Hell go to sleep in your workout clothes if needed.
  • I find that sleeping with the curtains open helps — nothing beats sunlight at waking up.
  • I can’t get up unless I have a handful of alarms. My wife wakes up at the first alarm. You just have to find out what works for you!
  • Just force yourself to get out the door. It’s hard at first but after a while it becomes second nature.
@californio Yes to all this. Don’t give yourself a decision to make when you wake up. Make the decision now - I’m going every day (or whatever you decide your schedule is). Set your alarm, get your gym clothes ready.
@p77cf Putting my alarm across the room worked for me! I find that even if I try to go back to bed, I’m already awake enough that I can’t fall back asleep so I might as well go to the gym.

And that’s the story about how I haven’t missed a 6am class in 3 years.
@vulcanlogician People can literally have different circadian rhythms that can barely be tweaked ask one of the many sleep doctors ive seen but what’s science and health when you have grindset
@p77cf When I was doing 6am classes for a bit, I’d give myself a rule that I could skip only 1 class a week (out of the 4 days I’d go). This gave me a rule to stick by so I was able to start to build a habit of getting up early everyday but also some flexibility that if I didn’t sleep well or something I could take that day off.

This also just helped me to not beat myself about missing a class. And it just started to slowly become part of my routine. Also another good tip is to just have everything ready including pre-workout snack so it doesn’t take more than like 10minutes to get ready.
@p77cf Whilst I agree to some extent with some people here saying ‘just do it’ - I also somewhat disagree.

I started out with CF going to the 6 or 7am class but soon found I was fed up with having to go to bed early, I’d dread getting up that early (despite the fact I’d been a regular gym, morning goer for years!) so just decided I’d try the evening classes instead. Best decision I made. I don’t miss a class now.

Move gyms to one which has more variety of class times.
@p77cf Put your alarm far away from your bed so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

Lay out your clothes the night before.

Have your pre-workout/snack ready to go.

This gets me out the door in 10 mins for my 6 am class.
@p77cf just get up and do it. you are the only one who can discipline yourself. you do this for yourself and nobody else can do it for you!