@lostandfound123 As a stay at home dad to two boys one of the most useful things I found was to have a kettlebell (35lb) and a steel mace (20lb) in my living room. Most days having an actual window for training wasn't possible, but I was able to snack on exercise throughout the day. Waiting for the pasta to cook? 5-minutes of mace 360s and 5-minutes of lunges. Waiting for the kids to get their shoes on? Ten clean and presses. Waiting outside the bathroom for the youngest to shout "I'm finished"? 50 kettlebell swings. Over the course of a day I found dozens of micro-moments to train.
My kids have suddenly hit the point where I'm not having to run around after them, but I still find these movement snacks incredibly useful.
My kids have suddenly hit the point where I'm not having to run around after them, but I still find these movement snacks incredibly useful.