hey can someone review this new and improved workout? Chat gpt says its good lol

@benzohar It’s hard to make any sort of critique without knowing the set and rep schemes.

Both leg days are identical. There isn’t a hamstring or quad focused day.

Why are lateral raises done 4x a week on your leg and pull day? Unnecessary. 2x is enough, hit them alongside your push days.

I’d add chest dips to both push days, preferably weighted If possible.

Idk how much tricep work you really need, but one solid tricep workout per push day does it for me usually because of how much tricep recruitment is used during push exercises, especially if you add the dips.

My current push day is similar to the one here but mine rn is flat bench BB > incline DB press > seated overhead DB press > weighted dips > lateral raises. But I’m going to begin alternatiNG incline and flat as the heavy starting compound movement.

I would alternate how heavy you go either weekly or with each alternating day. Your CNS can’t be taxed so much as a natty lifter

Ditch pull downs and add [weighted] pull ups. There’s other ways for you to hit your lats. You can also add a high row variation
Can you send your entire program? i would love too see it

my side delts are a bit lacking so i want some more...

How can i make them more focused?

never really done dips...

i could probably lower the tricep work

why do you choose overhead db press over ohp?
@benzohar Because heavy compound bench to a heavy compound OHP is overkill. You can alternate instead. But when I do flat bench same day as seated DB I remove a lot of the exhaustion by sitting instead of standing. Let’s me do more volume and increase intensity without over doing it.

Have you ever finished a workout and went home and were just physically done the rest of the day? Like you didn’t want to move? That’s the feeling I try to avoid and the pitfall I’ve fallen into when I used to try to do it all every workout
@benzohar Don’t AMRAP your heavy compounds. Just shoot for 5 or 3 depending on your program. Rack the weight just short of failure.

amrap squat or dl will wreck the rest of your workout
@owaink what i was thinking is that ill try this for x amount of time then ill try the jeff nippard ultimate ppl then i wanna try a candito 6 week does that sound like a good idea?
@benzohar I’d go with candito for strength based training and nippard for bodybuilding/strength.

Just buy one of those If youre struggling to program for yourself

I don’t have mine all written down. I’ve been lifting for years and track in String App. I know what I need to be doing on any given day and things change depending on how busy the gym is and if equipment is open