Been properly doing Arnold"s chest/back and shoulder/arms split since 2 weeks 6days a week, 3hr 15min each session
And I haven't eat anything after saturday lunch until this Monday morning
Today my energy crashed brutally I had to leave today shoulder/arm session with just shoulders workout
I have difficulty sleeping at night, and when I do I wake up randomly with souring arms muscle pain, especially elbow/bicep/tricep
I have to actually keep my arms straight at night so that I can catch a sleep
I am now lifting less then I was doing a week ago, failing sooner on benchpress
And lacking the energy to try harder
I been doing mix excercise for 2months previously
Then bro split for another two months
And now started arnold split this month
I follow this for shoulder/arms
Bb clean and press
5sets 20,15,12,12,8reps
7.5kg to 15kg each side
Standing bb shoulder press
5set 20,15,15,12,8
10kg to 17.5kg each side
Seated behind the neck press
5sets, 30,20,15,12,8
10kg to 20kg each side
Arnold press seated
5set 20,20,15,12,8reps
12.5kg db to 20kgdb
Standing db shoulder press
4set, 20,15,12,8-12
10kg db to 20kg
Standing lateral side raise
4set, 20,15,12,8
7.5kg db to 10kg/12.5kg
Alt db front raise(Arnold's style)
3set 15reps each
7.5kg db to 12.5kg db
Barbel upright rows
10kg -15kg each rows
5set 20,15,12reps
Seated bent over rear delt flys
4sets 15,12,12,8
7.5kg db to 10kg
And machine shoulder press at last
4set 20,15,12,8
2plates to 5plates
Now add arms bicep/triceps on top of this
Standing straight bb curls
7.5kg each side to 12.5kg
Close grip flat bb bench press
5set 20,20,15,12,8
12.5kg each side to 22.5kg
Seated incline db curls
7.5kg db to 12.5kg
4set 15,12,12,8
Tricep straight bar cable push down
5plates to 8plates
15,12,12,8 reps
Preacher curl
2plates to 4/5plates
Lying ez barbell tricep extension (skull crusher) taking bb always down behind head
7.5kg to 12.5kg weight each side
Standing alt db curl
7.5kg to 12.5
Standing one arm tricep extension
5kg to 10kg weights
Concentration curl both seated and standing
5kg to 10kg
Machine tricep dips
Almost full stack, (leaving only 2plates)
3set 20reps
Total 20 excercise
I think I need this high volume and high intensity training to build muscle and loose weight as a skinny-fat South Asian plus more frequency to build form
My elbow especially and shoulder and lower back has given up
I tried conditioning with treadmill and pushup and dips today, but still barely completely shoulder workout today
Even though I am taking protein powder and creatine, and chicken/mutton/Buffalo meat diet almost every weeks
My body has given up from overtraining
, I felt like I need to punish myself so that I can loose bloat and build muscle definition but I am going negative now
Mentally motivated but physically can't no longer lift
Somewhat ego lifting is important to shock muscle growth but not overtraining
I also have auto immune disorder so that could also be a main contributer to energy crash
I want to match western level of average strength and not failing or starting with 10kg
If you wanna read my chest/back workout
Flat bb bench press
12.5kg, 15kg, 17.5kg, 20kg, 22.5kg
5set, 20,20,15,12,8
Incline bb bench press
10kg, 12.5kg, 15kg, 17.5kg, 20kg
Bent over rows
10kg to 15kg to 17.5kg
3set close grip
3set wide grip
Tbar row
25kg to 30kg to 35 to 40kg
Incline db press
12.5kg, 15kg, 15kg, 20kg
Seated cable pull v bar
5 to 7 plate
4sets 20,15,12,8
Flat bench db fly
10kg, 12.5kg, 12.5kg, 15kg
Lateral pull down
20-15-12, 8-12
Chest machine fly
6/7 plates
20-15rep 4sets
Straight arm pushdowns
20-15-12 rep 4set
Chest machine press
20-15-12 reps
Floor Seated v bar high cable pull
Almost full stackes
4times 20-15rep
Decline standing Cable fly or press
3-4 plates
20reps 3set
One arm db rows
12.5kg db to 20kg db
20-15rep 4set
Standing One arm cable pull
3set 15-12 rep
Overhead db pull overs
3set 20-15rep
15kg to 20kg db
One arm seated cable pull
4-6plates , 4set
These two are occasional
Decline bench press barbel
12.5kg to 17.5kg
3set 20-15 rep
17.5kg to 32.5kg
20-15 rep
5 times
And I haven't eat anything after saturday lunch until this Monday morning
Today my energy crashed brutally I had to leave today shoulder/arm session with just shoulders workout
I have difficulty sleeping at night, and when I do I wake up randomly with souring arms muscle pain, especially elbow/bicep/tricep
I have to actually keep my arms straight at night so that I can catch a sleep
I am now lifting less then I was doing a week ago, failing sooner on benchpress
And lacking the energy to try harder
I been doing mix excercise for 2months previously
Then bro split for another two months
And now started arnold split this month
I follow this for shoulder/arms
Bb clean and press
5sets 20,15,12,12,8reps
7.5kg to 15kg each side
Standing bb shoulder press
5set 20,15,15,12,8
10kg to 17.5kg each side
Seated behind the neck press
5sets, 30,20,15,12,8
10kg to 20kg each side
Arnold press seated
5set 20,20,15,12,8reps
12.5kg db to 20kgdb
Standing db shoulder press
4set, 20,15,12,8-12
10kg db to 20kg
Standing lateral side raise
4set, 20,15,12,8
7.5kg db to 10kg/12.5kg
Alt db front raise(Arnold's style)
3set 15reps each
7.5kg db to 12.5kg db
Barbel upright rows
10kg -15kg each rows
5set 20,15,12reps
Seated bent over rear delt flys
4sets 15,12,12,8
7.5kg db to 10kg
And machine shoulder press at last
4set 20,15,12,8
2plates to 5plates
Now add arms bicep/triceps on top of this
Standing straight bb curls
7.5kg each side to 12.5kg
Close grip flat bb bench press
5set 20,20,15,12,8
12.5kg each side to 22.5kg
Seated incline db curls
7.5kg db to 12.5kg
4set 15,12,12,8
Tricep straight bar cable push down
5plates to 8plates
15,12,12,8 reps
Preacher curl
2plates to 4/5plates
Lying ez barbell tricep extension (skull crusher) taking bb always down behind head
7.5kg to 12.5kg weight each side
Standing alt db curl
7.5kg to 12.5
Standing one arm tricep extension
5kg to 10kg weights
Concentration curl both seated and standing
5kg to 10kg
Machine tricep dips
Almost full stack, (leaving only 2plates)
3set 20reps
Total 20 excercise
I think I need this high volume and high intensity training to build muscle and loose weight as a skinny-fat South Asian plus more frequency to build form
My elbow especially and shoulder and lower back has given up
I tried conditioning with treadmill and pushup and dips today, but still barely completely shoulder workout today
Even though I am taking protein powder and creatine, and chicken/mutton/Buffalo meat diet almost every weeks
My body has given up from overtraining
, I felt like I need to punish myself so that I can loose bloat and build muscle definition but I am going negative now
Mentally motivated but physically can't no longer lift
Somewhat ego lifting is important to shock muscle growth but not overtraining
I also have auto immune disorder so that could also be a main contributer to energy crash
I want to match western level of average strength and not failing or starting with 10kg
If you wanna read my chest/back workout
Flat bb bench press
12.5kg, 15kg, 17.5kg, 20kg, 22.5kg
5set, 20,20,15,12,8
Incline bb bench press
10kg, 12.5kg, 15kg, 17.5kg, 20kg
Bent over rows
10kg to 15kg to 17.5kg
3set close grip
3set wide grip
Tbar row
25kg to 30kg to 35 to 40kg
Incline db press
12.5kg, 15kg, 15kg, 20kg
Seated cable pull v bar
5 to 7 plate
4sets 20,15,12,8
Flat bench db fly
10kg, 12.5kg, 12.5kg, 15kg
Lateral pull down
20-15-12, 8-12
Chest machine fly
6/7 plates
20-15rep 4sets
Straight arm pushdowns
20-15-12 rep 4set
Chest machine press
20-15-12 reps
Floor Seated v bar high cable pull
Almost full stackes
4times 20-15rep
Decline standing Cable fly or press
3-4 plates
20reps 3set
One arm db rows
12.5kg db to 20kg db
20-15rep 4set
Standing One arm cable pull
3set 15-12 rep
Overhead db pull overs
3set 20-15rep
15kg to 20kg db
One arm seated cable pull
4-6plates , 4set
These two are occasional
Decline bench press barbel
12.5kg to 17.5kg
3set 20-15 rep
17.5kg to 32.5kg
20-15 rep
5 times