Homemade pre workout mix


New member
I've put together a mix i'm thinking about trying, wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts/suggestions on it. all input's appreciated!
  1. L-Citrulline DL-Malate 2:1: 9g
  2. Beta-Alanine: 3g
  3. Taurine: 1g
  4. N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: 1g
  5. Beetroot Powder: 1g
  6. Caffeine: 200mg (from coffee)
Planning on doing the beetroot ~2 hrs before working out since i read that has longer absorption rate and the rest like 45 mins before.
@gwrichardson I went down this rabbit hole years ago with a stack similar to yours. Iirc you need more beetroot powder to have any substantial effect. Maybe sub that for agmatine sulfate unless you want to be pounding beetroot powder like crazy. Maybe even consider intra workout EEA's and some carbs pre instead of this chemical cocktail.

Nowadays it's just coffee, and a light breakfast of berries and about 30-40g of carbs with a pinch of salt. Does more for me than anything else.
@catlover88 dude how the hell you guys can drink that thing... whenever i sniff it my stomach ruins.

well actually i don't get point of preworkout at first place, like okey maybe u having hard day or a bluecollared worker but otherwise why?
@overcoming1 If you mean coffee then.... coffee is more than a drink in many ways in that it has social meaning and rituals associated with it (we say "let's for get coffee") .

So a lot of people pick up coffee that way regardless of taste (or despite a bitter taste). And then it carries over for the mental benefits from the caffeine into our daily lives.

Also, a long time ago, before the industrial age we just didn't have a lot of palatable foods so something like coffee with a splash of milk or honey would have been pretty tasty and soothing
@mstyle00 no no i meant like taking caffine before workouts, we don't need any reason to drink coffe i drink every morning i just don't like threat it like something u should take before workouts.

but for that dude i was asking why train at 4:30
@overcoming1 Have you ever tried 16 Oz of black coffee mixed with 1, 30g scoop of whey protein. and 1, 5g scoop of collagen powder?

The stuff tastes horrendous lol. But It sure does pump me up before working out.