How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?


New member
Sup y'all, I am 477lbs and was 546lbs last November and I'm training 4x week Legs, Chest/Tris, Rest, Back/Bis and OHP/Shoulders, rest, rest. I go very hard when I lift, my shirt is as wet as if I jumped in a lake. I also do fairly high heavy reps. 8-12(sometimes I do more) sets per body part.

Example, Legs = 8-12 sets 160lbs Zercher Squats (no rack and standard barbell so I do these) then 6-10 sets Hamstrings (RDLs and Pumpinators(my bodyweight hamstring exercise I came up with)

Chest = 8-12 sets Pushups on knees and or using bench for elevated, can only do single regulars atm and dips. Then I blow up my triceps with kick backs, skull crushers ext.

Back- Bent over barbell rows(started with 100lbs, now so 160lbs for 12-16 reps 8-12 sets. Sometimes I do one hand barbell Croc Rows 100lbs or single arm deadlifts or speed 2 hand. 160lbs heavy as my barbell can go. Then I alternate between Heavy compound "cheat curls" and slow controlled hypertrophy focused lighter weight barbell and dumbbell curls.

Shoulders - OHP 8-12 sets (again, started ,100lbs, now at 160. 6-10 reps). Sometimes I take break from OHP like today and do 14 sets seated dumbbell shoulder press then 6-8 sets Side and Rear delt exercise.

My question is how would y'all fit in KB swings? I have a 50lb KB. 35lb also but it's way to light.

I sat on my butt for 23hrs a day mostly past 20 yrs. So I know my posterior chain is weak. Only time I get real sore is after all the squats. It's painful where my hamstring connects to quad and hip, especially on my right side. Not injury pain....but well IDK how to explain it. My butt is flat as a pancake. I want to incorporate KB volume without compromising my current lifting routine.

How would y'all do that? Would love y'all's experienced advice. Thank you.
@rswembraced Use your swings for conditioning. As good as heavy weight training is everybody needs conditioning . Check fobbits from tactical barbell. They won't take long , but can/have swings in them. fobbits can be adjusted to your fitness levels then build up from there .
@giants89 That's what I'm asking. I want to do them for conditioning, but as an accent and compliment to my heavy weights.

Doing a full KB routine seems too much on top of my current weight lifting split no?

Like would doing say 50 swings first thing in morning and progressively increasing that?
@rswembraced Firstly well done for doing all you're doing already, that's some huge weight loss.

Half the fun with this stuff is playing about, and as most of us aren't athletes where everything needs to be optimised, trying different things to see what you enjoy most is a big factor. Imo fun>optimisation (mostly)

So yeah, try them in the morning and build up, if that's what your gut says go with it

Or try swings at the end of your lifting as a 'finisher'

Or try them at the beginning as a warm up

Or do them in-between other movements to up work load, set of press ups/set of swings/ repeat

Personally, I tend to do the latter, swing/chin/dip repeat sort of affair. Pretty time effective. But mostly I enjoy it so

I note in your photo you've a Bulgarian bag, how do you include that in your week? Could do the same with a kb i.e. accumulate volume and what not
@kruise I've only used it in a rest day HIIT cardio circuit with kettlebell. I haven't used it much, same with KB cuz I've been so focused on weight training. I love Bulgarian bag too, but it destroys my shoulders and upper back which interfered with my chest, OHP and back days.

Now that was last December so It may be different now. I love Bulgarian bag swing arounds or whatever basic swing around head is called.
@rswembraced One arm swings (with the 35) switching hands every 10. Start with 40, try to get to 200. You don't get hypertrophy with light swings so it shouldnt interfere with your bodybuilding - do it as a cool down, or on the morning , or ln off days. Source
@rswembraced I've been doing a 4-day legs+pull / push split lately. Double cleans at the start of legs+pull day, swings at the start of push day. And on the 5th day, just snatches.

Swings, cleans, snatches are power/ballistic moves, so AFAIK its best to do them fresh, at the beginning of workouts.
Thank y'all, looks like y'all saying essentially what my instincts were telling me, just start with 50 reps or so in morning or whenever and progressively increase that.

I love sprinting and want a form of cardio that is short and to the point and waking my 20 yr slumbering glutes (especially the small one that addicts, medius?) Up. So figured these would serve similar purpose of sprints while ground is icey.
@rswembraced i skimmed comments so may have missed it but for swings I like to set a timer for 10 minutes and jyst do EMOM..ten swings on the minute every at the end u will have done 100 swings...u can scale this up or down in rest time/weight/reps...
regarding exercises and overlap..a simple way around thst is to do full body routines or a push/pull split as most kettlbell movements involve the posterior chain and/or anterior kb clean squat press on a push day and swings on a pull day..a tricky one is the turkish getup...