How do you deal with workout shamming?


New member
My box is the home for quite a few elite and games athletes, please note, I am not one of them. I do 2 classes a week, skills programming 3 days and one day of steady state. A few months ago I added a 2-3 mile AM run on the days I do class in the evening. Recently I got scolded by one of the elite athletes, saying that I’m doing too much and that women’s body can’t do that much work unless they’re fueling properly and that I’m at risk of RED-s. My programming coach is not concerned, but this athlete is sticking to their guns. Is there any validity to their concern? But also, am I being targeted?

UPDATE: Thanks y’all. Really needed the pep talk (including the words of caution).
@jesrel I am not defending the actions of this athlete. It is not their place to scold you. However, there is a chance that, based on THIS, it came from a place of concern.

If you were asking reddit for recovery advice three months ago, there is a chance you were talking about your lack of recovery in your gym.

Based on your post-history, you may want to trade someone focused on giving you programming for a nutrition coach.