How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

@danielkibby I get far more remarks on how big I am so I try and focus on those…but I do get that question from time to time. A lot of times I think people are just trying to talk about an interest they know you have. It’s just a weird way to phrase it, makes it sound like they saw something that would indicate you had stopped. That’s just my insecurity talking though lol

It’s hard not to take personally, like yeah the thing I’ve been doing for almost 2 decades… yeah I’m still doing it.
@danielkibby Don't let it get to you.

Train and eat hard at a 250-500 surplus, keep same exercises and form to standardize and track your progress. Accept the fact you'll be big and pundy for years then do a good solid 3 month cut (nothing extreme, maybe 300-400 less than TDEE).

It takes time. Don't compare to others, your only stick is yourself.
@danielkibby The problem is all the juiced influencers in IG/shorts/Tiktok who gives the general public a wrong information on how a natural body with natural lifting looks like. On the other hand a few people have asked me if I am a steroid user (obviously non lifters).
@danielkibby I am coming up on 2 yrs and I am 43 and I haven’t packed on 20 lbs of muscle in a year like some crazies so I definitely out on about 12 lbs of lean mass in 1.5 yrs. Unfortunately it’s not enough to look very different. I looked skinny I look skinny now but with a more athletic physique. It’s not in your face so most people won’t comment unless I am wearing certain tighter polos or T shirts and Even then only people who know I lift comment. Mainly to encourage me. I would look more at your progress and self esteem growth vs what other may say. Reality is most don’t even know what natural bodies that workout look like.
@danielkibby Best way to deal with it is to not talk to normies about lifting. Just do, no talk. If people ask why you lift say it's because the WHO now recommends all human beings do resistance training for general health. There are good reasons to lift other than top 1% results.
@danielkibby I've found you need to do remarkably little as long as you have an actual serious leg day and commonly wear 5-inch inseam shorts. No one will ever question whether you lift again. The compliments are almost overwhelming.
@danielkibby I'm natty and have been lifting 7 years, not meaning to sound like an ass but you will get to the point where it's very obvious you lift and anyone who says something like that is only doing it to wind you up because they are jealous. I'm bigger than 99% of people I see day to day. Stick with it dude and soon you will be in the same position and you can look at these people like the weak people they are.