How do you deal with workout shamming?

saying that I’m doing too much and that women’s body can’t do that much work unless they’re fueling properly and that I’m at risk of RED-s

it's true that there is a level of overwork/underfueling that can put anybody at risk of RED-S. (This number is different for everybody, and yes there are reasons why women are more at risk).

To answer the question you asked: no, a 2-3 mile run before a workout is not inherently bad for women.

To answer the question you didn't ask: I'd seriously consider whether there was something about me that made this athlete feel concerned. Imagine there is somebody at your box who is seriously underfueling, but insists they're fine. What would you expect to notice about that person (appearance, behavior, etc)? Do you share any of those traits? Is there any chance you might have an issue with health or fueling?
@anon103 This is part of why the interaction was so weird. I’m not underweight at all and the athlete has never once asked about my diet or the details of my training. So to jump to RED-S was really surprising and honestly upsetting. There are plenty of members who do a couple “2 a days” but their schedule doesn’t overlap with this particular coach/athlete so they don’t see it…
@jesrel "Thanks for your input." Then walk away. You do you, in consultation with your coach if that's important to you. No one on reddit can say whether you're training optimally, and frankly we have no idea if you just want to train or if you want to train optimally. If you feel you're not making progress or aren't recovering or feeling weak or run down, make adjustments.

Bottom line is the elite athlete should probably have checked in with you before saying anything - "Hey, I've noticed al the work you've been putting in and the progress you're making. What are your goals?" is a good start, and depending on your answer (or whether you engage at all), it can be followed up with "Mind if I tell you what I'm seeing?" or some such thing.

The other bottom line is that you are free to just do what you want to do. You have no obligation to consider one word from anyone else.
@jesrel Tell them to mind their own business and if you want advice pull ask for it. You can’t generalize anyone, everyone’s body is different and if it works for you, it works for you
@jesrel Ignore them. Just because they have Elite ability, it doesn’t in anyway mean they have elite intelligence, understanding, or grasp on anything.
@dawn16 Just ignore them. They have trained hard for years and learned how to do the things you are now trying to emulate. They obviously don't know anything. It's all just genetics and luck, am I right? /s
@jesrel That's not too much at all!
You should as much or as little as you want, only you know what feels good for your body and nobody else can comment.
Keep doing what you enjoy, as long as it's sustainable and you're enjoying yourself that's what matters!
@jesrel I guess the question is why the volume? Do you want to compete? Do you just like to workout? If you’re relatively new to fitness you’ll keep seeing lift PRs because your technique is improving but you’re also more likely to get injured and more likely to burn out. Lotta factors there.
@emprah I like to work out. I’ve played sports my entire life, done triathlons, half marathons, etc. and the movement and community helps with stress!!
@jesrel I personally agree with you. I workout nearly every day in some form. I do functional bodybuilding 5 days a week. Long endurance workouts twice a week. Walk 10,000 a day minimum and probably 3 days a week clear 20,000. That’s why I’m asking what your goals are and how you’re feeling. Some random ass person who isn’t your coach or doctor doesn’t know shit about shit. As long as you feel good, look the way you wanna know, are hitting your goals, progressing in whatever it is you wanna progress in, and when you go to the doctor all your results are good, you’re doing fine.
@jesrel Did you suggest they kick rocks, by giving them the finger?

Also, I think you should name names for who is being a turd.

Edit: you are killing it! I got tired reading what you were doing (I am just a 3 day a week myself)