@truthnotfiction I have a little bit of a perspective on this.
Roughly 5 or 6 years ago I started a program that my Gym was offering as long as there was a group that was interested which was Invictus' Competition training. Ended up being 2 or 3 wods with 2 - 4 accessory sessions per day.
It was great. I loved doing it. Felt fulfilling. Wife hated it. I was at the gym for about 4 hours, after work, so I don't blame her. I was also getting off quite a bit later back then. But I digress.
It was great, I saw huge gains in performance and skills. I was sore, but my body was getting used to the extra volume...... and then my leg gave out mid stride one day while I was out and about, with no warning. I was overtraining the hell out of it without proper recovery. Developed some patellar tendonitis that I still deal with now.
Not trying to discourage you from upping your training. But IF you are going to do more than one workout per day, increase your focus on recovery as well. Recovery is going to be the most important piece and if you can't recover harder, then you probably shouldnt go harder / do more. That's the main thing to consider.
EDIT: Wanted to clarify that I did about 8 months of the extra program before my injury showed up.