How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

@atheistlogic Also 5am person here, music is keyyyyy. Lately “Gasolina” by Daddy Yankee has been the song that makes me feel like I could kick down a door lol.

Going to a gym where there’s a decent amount of other people is oddly motivating too. I’m not the strongest person there but I get a little competitive in my head. It’s helped since I switched from a much more private gym.
@allthingsarebecomenew Yea, you need to learn how to go and do what needs to be done, but also... I hear you. It's important to know how to get into the right mindset.

Personally, I just put on my current fave hype song and kind of visualize my own strength while warming up. Focus on feeling my muscles as I move and the power within me, tapping into a more primal vibe, if that makes sense. For me, it's not about looking a certain way, but of finding my own potential, of learning what I'm capable of and thus being able to trust in myself more. To reclaim my body for what it is, rather than what society has told me it is supposed to be. Sometimes I'll just repeat a little mantra in my head, whatever comes to mind. Works for me.
@allthingsarebecomenew I have stuck to getting up at 5 in the morning and working out for about 40 mins for the past 2 weeks. I don't work out for a long time at a time, so I don't become too worn out. Also, I followed different programs every day to avoid getting bored. Basically, I focus on getting into the habit of fitness instead of the results.
@nebula1 This was the key to me seeing my potential right here. I am setting volume records constantly even though when I first look at my sets for the day, I don’t think I’ll be able to get through the first.
@allthingsarebecomenew I mean the typical pumping up with music and watching videos of athletes I admire before I go. Just changing into workout clothes does it for me. I will say that when I started working out, initially just showing up and going through the motions was often "enough" to build both muscle and dedication and get me through the door. I rarely have issues with motivation now and go hard to the point where four days in the gym is all I can recover from. I am mostly on autopilot at the gym.