How I got the Full Front Lever

@jesusloverr hi! just came across this post and would like to say it’s great!

can i just ask, for the second exercises with the pulls and the negatives combined, is it preferable to use a band so that i can choose a tougher progression or without bands would be better?
@nasasira I personally very very rarely used bands. Doesn’t mean to say it won’t work for you.

But my opinion is that for the negatives component the focus wasn’t so much on form as it was on building strength and volume, and so rather than forcing a higher progression for the sake of it, it won’t hurt at all to stick with lower progressions so long as you’re still coming very close to failure (which I almost always would by the 3rd set). That make sense?
@dawn16 Rarely with heavy weights. During this time I was doing pistol squats variations and plyometric style jumping lunges. Now I do a lot of PNF work for splits, so I rarely use weights with my legs.

I don’t think it’d detract from your gains though, so long as you don’t do too much volume or don’t allow yourself enough recovery time.
@dawn16 Hard to say without knowing everything else. If you’re only training legs, FL and BL then obviously training both skills twice a week will most likely equal faster progress providing you can recover between workouts (that’s fundamentally important).
@jesusloverr right, recovery is essential here. i gotta make myself clearer though, if Levers are trained 3x weekly (FL+BL) together, does that mean that the training frequency for both skills, individually, is greater than if Levers were to be trained 4x weekly (2 sessions for back and front lever)?

Also did u do additional hypertrophy work after FL training?
@dawn16 Yup frequency is greater, but since you’ll train them both in one individual session your training volume per session will most likely be less (either through less total sets or lower intensity as you tire). I think it’s worth testing out though - try it for a training cycle and see how you progress. If it’s not so productive, switch to 4x weekly separating the FL and BL.

did you do additional hypertrophy work after FL training

Nothing beyond what I already wrote in the original post.

Best of luck!
@jesusloverr hi, do you do weighted pull-ups with this? and if you were to add on weighted pull-ups how would you do it?

The reason for my question is that multiple people on reddit and other forums mentioning that hitting a high weighted pull number can help speed the process of getting the OAP and that’s what i want, in addition to the front lever
@virdne No, I didn’t do weighted pull-ups alongside this. I found that I never made any progress in any strength skills if I attempted to focus on more than one at a time. Hence FL work being the entirety of my Pull days.
@virdne For OAP, yes definitely; for FL…maybe. You’ll build strength in your lats, but the movement mechanics are different in a FL, so I’m not sure how transferable it would be. Worth a try though?
@jesusloverr Thanks for the tips. I might be a little too late for asking this, but was your weight affected by going from bodybuilding to calisthenics? Did you loose weight? I'm asking because i love calisthenics and rock climbing but i'm scared that if i transition again i might loose the muscle i worked so hard on getting (i'm 70kg, 178cm, but gaining weight is a pain for me).
@inthename1992 Hey. No I didn’t lose any weight. I was never huge (maximum was 75kg at 170cm), but my standard “strength bod” is around 71-72kg. I maintained this when I switched to calisthenics