How to boost metabolism when you’re in your mid-twenties

@haydenbehm Need talaga natin iconsider yung recos nila dito sa comments huhu

I realized na mali talaga pagcalorie count ko. Before di ko sinasama sa pagcount ang oil, pero ang laki pala talaga ng calories ng oil huhu
@michaellin Another thing that can help the journey more fulfilling:
- NON-WEIGHING SCALE VICTORIES (better strength, better endurance, clothes seem to fit better, booty gainz etc)
- tape measure your shoulders/traps, bust, waist and hips every month (esp you do weight training - muscle gainz in shoulders and hip area usually occur)
@michaellin Are you taking medications? Same predicament last year. Turned out my (steroidal) allergic cough/skin allergy medication causes weight gain. So my hardwork was all for naught. 🤷🏻‍♀️🫠
@michaellin Hi! 25(F) here as well. What helped me is eat more protein and progressive overload. I normally wouldn't eat breakfast din but since I started lifting weights, I eat na at least just eggs on toast, protein shake, ot greek yogurt and fruits. With the carbs, I eat almosg 2k. Di nag work before when I was eating carbs below 2k.
@michaellin I've only started working out again a month ago.
I used to gym before though. Maybe that helped? Or I'm just losing my waterweight? I do feel better and stronger. I've lifted probably 3 or 4x heavier when I first got back to the gym.

If this makes you feel better, I also have belly fat now. I got a big belly too nung very first time ko mag workout and it took me almost a year to have a flat tummy. It helps to eat mostly wholefoods and more on salads and protein and really limit eating fast foods and processed sugar. Now slowly getting rid of my belly fat again. We got this girly!
@godlyyours I realized (through the comments) that I weigh my food incorrectly. For example, with chicken adobo, I would just weigh it, search for it on MFP, and then log it. Ganon pala kamali 😅