How to deal with injuries and how to heal injuries faster


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Dealing with injuries isn't an easy thing to do. It is so frustrating being injured that we often lose motivation and get depressed really fast. Injuries are so lame and that's because they usually happen when things are starting to go well. And then it annoys us that we have to start from where we were a couple months ago. But to tell you the truth, an injury can be the ultimate blessing. Yeah, there's all that mumbo jumbo about self-acceptance, but perhaps more importantly, injuries can increase longevity in the sport, reduce overtraining risk, and lead to major adaptations long-term. Plus, getting back to where you were will be much easier than you got there in the first place because of muscle memory.
What is up guys? Hope that everything is good! Today I'll be talking about how to deal with injuries and how to heal them faster.
If you are someone who is currently injured then you probably know that resting should be on your mind and something that you are actually doing to help heal up your injury. If you have an injury but still working out as usual then that's not really smart and not something that will help your injury to heal up. You're just making things worse. But that doesn't mean that you can't continue to workout. It all depends on what kind of injury you have but there is always a way to continue working out. All you really need to do is switch up your workout plan so that it won't make your injury worse. For example, when I had my wrist tendonitis and I couldn't work on my planche, I decided to start working on different things like my front lever. No matter what injury you have, you can always find a way to continue, you'll just have to find other things to work on. Even when the worst happens and let's say you break a hand, you can still do a lot. Lots of walking, even running is possible (cardio/HIIT), leg workouts, ab workouts and more.
Yes, injuries are not fun and very frustrating because they limit you during your workout and so on, but it is what it is and you should accept what happened to you and learn from your mistakes. Life is not perfect, and there a many ups and downs but that is part of life. And the same goes to our workout journey.
During my journey full of injuries, I have learnt a lot of stuff. I have learnt different things that I can do to make my injury better or make it heal faster. These are just my ways that helped me heal my injuries faster. I am not a professional so I can't say that these things will help you as well, but you can try and see if it does any better.
1. REST- when you feel abnormal pain, the first thing you should do is rest the injured area to avoid further damage.
2. ICE- Deep injuries like sprains or bruises can't be treated topically. Ice helps with swelling. You will want to do it in increments. Ten to thirty minutes every two to three hours is ideal. This is something that really helped me out and felt that it actually works.
3. COMPRESSION- Immediately and up to 48 hours following the injury, place pressure on the injured area to help with swelling.
4. ELEVATION- Elevation also helps with swelling. If it’s a lower body injury, you will want to keep the ankle above the waist.
5. STRETCHING AND STRENGTHENING EXERCISES- It can be tempting to not move the injured area at all. However, it's important to stay loose and keep the muscles moving for the new tissue that's growing to be connected to healthy muscles. Keep your body and the new tissue ready to get moving together again. Massage can aid in keeping the muscles loose and may provide some relief. So make sure to stretch and add strengthening exercises to your weekly schedule.
6. SUPPLEMENTS AND A HEALTHY DIETS- There are numerous foods and supplements that help the body heal faster after an injury. Protein rich foods such as meat and fish enhance the body's muscle building process. Citrus fruits and dark leafy greens rich in vitamins c help produce collagen that rebuilds tissues, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Omega 3 fats from supplements limit excessive inflammation and helps speed up recovery. With bone injuries such as fractures, Taking more calcium rich foods and vitamin D from sunlight exposure is essential.
7. SEE A DOCTOR- If your injury is not getting better after quite a bit of time, then it might be best to see a specialist. A specialist will definitely help you solve your injury problem and might give you specific things or medicine to help your injury heal faster!

That is it for today, hope that you found this information helpful. If you did, make sure to leave a like and share this with others.
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