How to do overhead presses on a smith machine? Also, questions about Barbell rows and cardio


New member
I just started doing this routine today:

after having seen little to no results with my last one after a few months. The routine calls for overhead presses on workout B, but my gym only has smith machines, and I can't do a full overhead press on them because I hit the top of the machine before I can get a full extension. I know there's a sitting overhead press, but I've heard that that's worse for general fitness because the standing one engages more of your body.

Also today was my first day ever doing barbell rows, and I have no idea how to know if I'm doing them right. I watched this video:
last night, and I felt like I understood it but when actually doing the rows today it felt like everything I learned in the video went out the window. Also, in the video he had the guy at about a 90 degree angle, but when I bent that far over the weights would hit the bottom of the machine before I could get a full extension. I tried to do them at slightly less of an angle, but I found that I kept wanting to round my back when I did that.

Also my understanding is this is supposed to be a back exercise, but I felt more of the soreness in my shoulders and arms than my back, and the soreness in my back was in my lower back, and it felt more like I just slept on it funny than it did that I worked it out. I'm pretty comfortable with benches and squats, but the rows feel way more complicated than any other workout I've ever done, does anyone have any advice?

Also, does anyone know any good and engaging light cardio exercises? I tried to do the elliptical today at what I thought was the equivalent of a jogging pace, but I honestly got bored before I got tired. Hard cardio I'm sure will be intense enough that that doesn't happen, but does anyone know any interesting light cardio exercises?