Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

@mksamas I tried and tried to increase my shoulder and lumbar mobility, but ultimately I had been behind a desk for 15 years and it just stalled my progress. So I just quit doing them. It was never very heavy in WODs anyeay, but if we had an OHS day where we went for small heavier sets, I either just did them light or went to a WOD a different day. If you desire to get better then just keep plugging away. Stretch those areas before the lift, work on scapula strength, etc. If you just do them to keep up with the culture, don't be afraid to say fuck it and drop them.

The competitive culture of crossfit has its positives and negatives. That's really the only movement I avoided, but I realized that for the average crossfit attendee, OHS really isn't all that important if you don't have a real desire to train it. Don't forget that for every muscle group there's more than one way to skin a cat. Don't be afraid to explore them if you feel compelled to do so.
@mksamas It's not just you. I can back squat like a beast, but struggle to overhead squat even the bar. My shoulder mobility won't let the bar get in the proper position.
@mksamas I bet it’s a mobility issue. OHS expose a lot of weaknesses and mobility is probably your weakness (it’s mine too). Look up “how to improve flexibility for overhead squats” on Google and hopefully that will help.
@mksamas In order to consistently get into an overhead squat position, I have to put in 20-30min of focused stretching every single day, generally for about 6 weeks before I can even hit depth, then consistently for as long as I'm trying to squat properly
@mksamas I totally get your frustration with overhead squats. They can be a real challenge. Just keep working at it, and over time, you'll see progress. This doesn't just affect you, I was in the same spot when I first started. But stick with it, many things have improved since you started to this point...OHS takes longer but you will start to see improvements shortly! Stay motivated!
@mksamas 3x a week honestly just isn’t very much. How many times have you overhead squatted? Cuz 26 weeks, 3x a week, is only like 75 sessions, and if you’re only overhead squatting maybe 1/10 sessions, you’ve really only done it 7 times in your life