How to get motivated to work out?

@nscr Just go. Start small. I went through this a few years ago. Finally just started making myself go. Some days I just walked on a treadmill. Some days I just used the towing machine. You don't have to go all in at once. Build the habit of just showing up, if you do that and pay attention to your diet (I'm not saying go on a diet, just eat 3/4 of your meals healthy and don't over splurge on the other 1/4) you'll start to see and feel the results. Then it gets easier, you'll have your habit established and you can start adding days, adding exercises etc.

Some short term motivators might be to go get a new pair of gym or running shoes. Go get yourself a couple of new pair of workout outfits. The catch is you can only wear them to the gym.

It's a slog at first but over time you'll come to enjoy it. I started with 3 days/week. Now I'm 5 to 6. I workout early (get to the gym at 5AM). It's my favorite part of the day. Throw in some earphones and zone out to a podcast or some music.
@dawn16 I went out today and got myself some new shoes & a cute outfit and got my ass down to the gym. It spurred me on to have a really productive rest of my day, and i feel good that i did it. These comments have really helped, and im definitely going to make changes. Thank you for your helpfulness as it’s genuinely going to help me💗
@nscr Don't worry about what other people are doing everyone is busy worrying about heir own self esteem and their own protein goals and their own relationship and life issues times have changed I don't think people are still as insensitive besides people would rather applaud you for working on your health that getting worse and maybe having health complications later in life

Just take the chance girl what have you got to lose anyway except your old self 💃💅🏻 do it for you no one else matters

It takes 21 days to form a habit so maybe make that your first small goal. Go only for 21days and if you don't like it go back to your normal life!
@imerseidi Thank you! I think this is what I’m going to aim for. It’s definitely a mental thing that stops me from going, because pre covid i was in the gym every day twice a day, and lost 7 stone.

I managed to get to the gym today and it’s actually spurred the rest of my day to be super productive, and i feel fantastic. Thank you so much for your lovely words. They mean a lot x
@nscr I am Happy to hear that you are proud of yourself! Remember this feeling and wrote it in the mirror for tomorow, the only one that matters is you!

What helped me was chnaging things up maybe the gym gets unmotivating, maybe try a run or a walk or a class somewhere or self defence perhaps free at a community centre and you'll find ways to motivate your motivation by being excited for new challenges.
@nscr Do it, rn. My girlfriend never trained ever and i just trained in front of her for the past couple months and she got motivated and just did it and now she regularly (on her own, without me reminding her) does it. Trust me
@jeriza Thank you! I actually told myself earlier ‘just GO’, went and i feel really good and it’s motivated me to go tomorrow. It really is a case of ‘just go’. I’m excited to really make the effort and lose some serious weight as well as just feel good within myself. Thank you💗
@jeriza Thank you! And thank you for saying you’re proud. I get a lot of shitty comments from the people around me, so it’s nice to hear a nice one🥹
@nscr You can start with walking backwards at your gym where you live. You leave the treadmill off and do 10 minutes minimum. That will start to get your legs stronger.

I believe that if you build small momentum and habits daily that’s the real key!

You are a young mother so I want to encourage you that you can do this!
@mbfrank Thank you!! Added to my workout! From all the advice here I’m definitely going to build up momentum and make it a habit. I so so thank you for the encouragement 💗
@nscr Are there any group exercise classes you could join? I have personally found it much more motivating to be doing something with other people rather than taking me, myself and I to the gym lol. Another thing I have found motivating is having a smart watch that I can use to monitor my activity. I try to beat my own daily record by either beating my step count or activity intensity.

Given you have a baby you may also benefit from doing home workouts. I try to find fun ones on YouTube like Xtreme Hip Hop (Stepping) that I can do at home when I can't get to a gym/class. I connect my speaker and blast the music which helps me get in the mood lol.

All the best! Just go for it!
@ogbunigbe23 I didn’t even think about doing a dance one at home! That’s a great idea. I’ve signed up to some group classes after reading your comment as I did used to enjoy them, and i might as well whilst they’re free! X
@nscr If you have gym classes at your gym I highly recommend. I really enjoy mine and go to a variety and they've become part of my routine and something I look forward to!
@nscr Believe in yourself and wake up and go. It’s gets easier each day and it becomes the greatest high. Also start slow and work your way up. Same w diet. Start by fixing 1 meal vs trying to make a huge change overnight.
@dawn16 Thank you! I’ve been dieting pretty consistently, but i wfh so i snack a lot! I also have an eating disorder, but im getting help for it, and have no excuse to not go to the gym now it’s free🤣
@nscr I'm 32 and have scoliosis and many body issues. I myself have taken some time off within the past year and a half and always find myself losing motivation in spurts depending on load I'm taking on in life. or injury. start with mobility training, do stretches and go for walks. open your body up, get a personal trainer to motivate you if needed and one that focuses on mobility exercises until you're comfortable moving around and doing exercises, pain sucks, and you don't want to have injuries with strength training because of imbalances. but at the end of the day, consistency is key. just go regardless if you want to or not. even if I feel like sh1t, once I'm at the gym and finish my workout I feel proud of myself . especially on the hard days. just do whatever you're comfortable doing its not a race to the finish line. You got this!