how to make a proper workout plan for PPL ?


New member
So i was following push/pull/legs routine made by my local trainer. i couldn't afford PT so i took whatever routine he gave which was felt wrong ever since. Its been 6 months and i rejoined gym, went thru whole full body workout phase again and now want to create my own routine of PPL but idk what exercises to add.

For example the pull day i used to do was lat pulldown, seated row, and single hand d/b bent row which doesn't make sense to me anymore cause im hitting my lats thrice instead of upper back ? same with triceps he told me to do cable pushdown and then rope pushdown which doesnt make sense to me cause im hitting the same long head of my triceps twice instead of other parts of triceps. i was about to use to same workout with few changes but someone told me for lats one horizontal and one vertical movement is a must ?

So yeah even if i know a pull day includes exercises which include pulling motion i still don't know what exercises to do which will target all my back muscles without too much volume.

It would really help if someone could create a plan or at least tell me how to create one to target all the muscles on their desired day
@texasn There you go my man, feel free to ask for alternatives in case you don't have access of a machine or you find the movement difficult.

Push Day 1
  1. Flat bench DB press 3 x 8 - 10
  2. Incline Bench DB press 3 x 8 - 10
  3. Overhead Press (DB or machine) 3 x 8 - 10
  4. Lateral Raises (DB or cable) 3 x 12 - 15
  5. Triceps rope push-down 3 x 12 - 15
  6. Overhead Triceps extension (single arm cable) 3 x 12 - 15
Pull Day 2
  1. Lat pull down (neutral grip) 3 x 10 - 12
  2. Seated Rows (neutral grip) 3 x 10 - 12
  3. T bar rows/ Incline bench chest supported Rows (wide grip) 3 x 10 - 12
  4. 75 degree Incline seated bicep curls 3 x 12 - 15
  5. Preacher curls 3 x 12 - 15
  6. Cable crunches 3 x 15
Legs Day 3
  1. Barbell Squats 4 x 6 - 8
  2. Leg press 3 x 12 - 15
  3. Leg curls 3 x 12 - 15
  4. Leg Extension 3 x 12 - 15
  5. Standing calves raises 4 x 15
  6. Russian Twist 3 x 15
Push Day 4
  1. Incline DB press 3 x 10 - 12
  2. High to low cable cross over 3 x 15
  3. Pec Dec Flys 3 x 15
  4. Overhead Press (DB/Machine) 3 x 8 - 10
  5. Lateral Raises (cable/DB) 3 x 15
  6. Standing Calves raises 4 x 15
  7. Cross cable Triceps extension 3 x 15 + 4th drop set
Pull Day 5
  1. Pull ups (assisted or body-weight) 2 x 10
  2. Chest supported single arm cable pull-downs 3 x 8 - 10
  3. Seated Rows (wide grip) 3 x 10 - 12
  4. Wall supported Bicep curls 3 x 12 - 15
  5. Reverse Pec dec fly 3 x 15
  6. Shrugs (cable/DB) 4 x 15 - 20
  7. Lying leg raises (on floor or decline) 3 x 15
Legs Day 6
  1. Romanian Deadlift 4 x 6 - 8
  2. Smith Machine lunges 3 x 8 - 10
  3. Leg extension 3 x 15
  4. Leg curls 3 x 15
  5. Standing Calves raises 3 x 15
  6. Cable Crunches 3 x 15
@te15 ok i like this one but i have some doubts. when u say chest supported rows wide grip do u mean the pronated grip ? the one that people do on row machines with elbow flared out ?
also on day 4 push day is there any reason is add standing calf raises ? it seems out of place considering we already have chest shoulder and triceps on that day.
Over all i like this tho. i may add one more bicep exercise on day 5 tho i think cus my arms are my weak point.
@texasn Yes, wide grip means probated grip.

Yes because calves respond well to more volume.

Either add a new exercise or add a drop set in the end for biceps but, if you do wall supported curls really well, you’ll should not be able to do a drop set.
@te15 i guess drop set would be better to add.
If i add one or two exercises to these sessions would it be too much volume ?
cause my old routine used to have 4 exercises for back and 4 for biceps and same for chest and tri too which i always wondered if they are too much or am i just weak.
(i know im asking too many questions sorry-.-)
@suzann No need to do front raises separately, your front delts get enough stimulus in every push movement, be it horizontal or vertical.
@te15 Just wanted to add that Russian twist or twisting movements in general and something like side bends are not considered good for the spine. Many physios recommend to avoid em e.g..
@texasn I roughly follow Saket Gokhale’s training and replace some exercises which I like.

Push - Incline/flat bench + Pec dec fly for chest, overhead press and lateral raises for shoulders, Bar push down and overhead extension for triceps

Pull - Assisted Pullup + Lat pulldown, Seated cable row at 45 degree hands pull towards sternum for upper back, Alternate Face pulls and Rear delt fly, Shrugs, Bicep curl(any) and incline hammer curl

Legs - deadlift, leg press, seated hamstring curl, smith machine calf raises and abs

Use apps like Strong or Hevy to log your workout so you can progressive overload
If you like exerting yourself then work in 6-10 rep ranges and if want relaxed then do 12-20 reps as you reach the above number on all 3 sets per exercise, increase the weight

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