Body Before and After 2 years of working out without proper knowledge

@asadkumar Pullups was definitely by far the most important exercise to my routine.

Then push ups / dip / leg raises / basic squats.

Did other things such as wide pull ups / pull up hangs / tuck front levers / tuck planches / L-sits / wide push ups / diamond push ups / shoulder push ups / hand stands / hand stand pushups / etc.
@sydneyelise Thanks Bro. I was on my way to looking like this a few years ago but ended up falling off the wagon. Now I'm even more of skinny fat. Hope to get back on it soon. This was good motivation, so thanks again.
Started 1 session per week for the first 4 months. 2 sessions per week for the next 4 months. 3 sessions per week for the next 4 months. Started doing split sessions which I shouldn't have.. Then kind of maintained 3 sessions per week for the year after. (goal was to start small until it becomes habit and slowly increase).

Interesting. Very sensible, serious approach. Much better than somebody going absolutely nuts, creating a fantastical plan requiring a complete change in almost every aspect of their life that is unsustainable on Jan 1st and completely abandoning it all by February.
@dawn16 Also, just to elaborate more, it was not like I planned to do 4 months of this and increase and another 4 months of this and increase and etc. It was more like, Lets just make sure I can be consistent in working out once per week first. Then, about after 4 months, I just happened to voluntarily want to increase the frequency since I wanted a faster growth. Then another 4 months after, I happened to want more voluntarily that I just had to increase the frequency to meet my desire. Lol