Humble brag. Just wanted to tell someone that I quit drinking, quit smoking l, and quit marijuana for 30 days now

@calvinabume Very proud of you my friend. When push comes to shove habits are incredibly hard to break, from food to substances to a lack of exercise. You’ve done an amazing thing and your body is thanking you. Just keep at it and watch the benefits compound over time. My hope is that one day, enough people will care enough about their health, safety, and risk taking while also being realistic about mortality at the end of life such that my health care job is no longer needed, and I will then happily look for a new job.
@calvinabume Congrats!! Look.. I know that I'm a stranger, but I'm proud of you. I still drink and vape... but that doesn't mean that this is lost on a person like me. Seriously... very proud.