Hypertrophy Training. It's not that complicated

@great_depression I very much agree with almost everyrhing. Very good post! Snottet reason why laymen should keep away from reading single study is, that you need to be aware of the whole litterature within that field. Only then you can place and examine the individual study correct, since you understand the overall context.
@great_depression The most amazing thing about this article is how perfectly it applies to all healthcare and wellness. I am a physical therapist and you hit many of my biggest pet peeves with clinicians in general. Too many practitioners fall into the same traps of leaning on one study to support or negate an entire practice philosophy,
@great_depression Data from RCTs doesn't always correlate well with real-world data. For example:


Conclusion: Lower Body: These studies support the hypothesis that a large percentage of an individual's muscle growth potential will likely be achieved within the first 3 months of training.

Now, anyone who thinks that you can reach your genetic potential of legs just after 3 months of training, raise your hand.
@dawn16 Page 1027 of the full-text.

Conclusion: Lower Body. These studies support the
hypothesis that a large percentage of an individu-
al’s muscle growth potential will likely be achieved
within the first 3 months (12 weeks) of training. It
seems unlikely that individuals will increase their
muscle mass by appreciable amounts beyond what
is gained by the time of plateau. However, most of
these studies were performed for durations of 6–12
weeks; a longer study duration would be required
to test this hypothesis. In an older population, it
may take longer for muscle growth to occur and
plateau, although some of this may be related to
this population requiring a greater exercise vol-
ume for a given response within a training ses-
sion.18 For example, a recent article found no age-
related differences in how muscle size changed
across time.37 This lack of age effect is likely due
to the accumulated volume from doing multiple
sets of exercise on multiple different exercises tar-
geting similar muscle groups in the lower body.
Furthermore, in a trained population, similar to
the upper body, muscle growth did not occur.38 In
conclusion, statistically significant increases in ante-
rior upper leg muscle size from baseline are likely
to occur within the first month of training, with a
potential plateau 4–6 weeks after the initial statisti-
cal increase in baseline muscle size. In addition,
the population studied (elderly, trained, etc.) can
result in a prolonged or limited response to resis-
tance training.
@stumblingman Agreed. People often forget that research exists within the discourse of its respective field--even though literally every paper starts with a discussion of other work in the field.
@great_depression I commend you sir, excellent post. Remember a few years back when the internet was worshiping Mark Rippetoe and recommending SS and 5x5 for people with HYPERTROPHY goals ? The internet has gone full retard again with these "evidence based" fitness gurus. All of them look VERY mediocre, Eric Helms, Omar Isuf, Menno Henselmans. You can literally walk into any gym and find a handful of guys with better physiques. The only guy with a decent amount of muscle is Israetel but he looked horrible before he took steroids and was total dogshit when he competed in bodybuilding.


When will people learn ? All of this search for a "perfect program" is just mental masturbation. The only "evidence" you need is the results of decades of bodybuilders building great physiques. They figured all of this shit out long time ago. And if there was a better way to train you better believe they would be doing it. The "evidence based" bodybuilders would be blowing the bros results out of the water. But they dont even look particularly better than Eugen Sandow from what like 100 years ago ?

Ladies and gentleman i present your fitness god in 2020https://ibb.co/Kr7NbQC

one more for shits and giggles (what he looked like natural) https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cW6zjVNGGEs/TLzDWSkm2gI/AAAAAAAAAUY/ON6ZeFulYHA/s1600/CC,+MI,+AS.jpg