I‘m tired of not getting better at pull-ups

@greg67 Understood, I actually think you would make better strenght gains if you cut the last superset and use it to rest inbetween exercises, something like this

A1 Pike push-ups

Rest 1:30m

A2 Pullups

Rest 1:30m and repeat

B1 Ring dips

Rest 1:30m

B2 Rows

Rest 1:30m and repeat
@greg67 There's a weighted pull up workout program which can help. Every workout you increase the number of reps, until 5 and then you drop the reps and increase the sets for the next workout. So 9 training sessions would look like this: (sets X reps)
3x3, 3x4, 3x5, 4x3, 4x4, 4x5, 5x3, 5x4, 5x5. Then increase +10kg.
My friend does this. He was plateauing with weighted pull ups for 3 months. Then he did this and managed to progress.
@greg67 I do pull ups daily at low reps (2-3 reps x 6-20 sets) with added weight (15 LBs for PUs and 25 LBS for CUs)...every week or so I will do both PUs and CUs with no added weight...this had a quick impact on me getting over the hump and increasing my unweighted reps...good luck.
@hackthegibson I increased volume a lot but wasn‘t happy with my form either and am using bands for now. Haven‘t had a chance to train properly and won‘t have for the next week because I‘m on a business trip and there‘s nothing here I can hang from 🥲 I even searched for a cali park and found ons but it opens after and closes before I‘m done with my job, so I can‘t use it :(
@greg67 If you're aiming for muscle ups, not sure where you are aiming on your way up, but you should try and go for ones where you get the bar to almost your sternum, or as close as possible.

You want to keep your legs straight and slightly out in front of you and minimize any swinging or kipping(until you're ready for muscle ups, then kipping becomes necessary, but perfect your dips and pullups first so you don't hurt yourself.)

I think this checklist from Athlean-X is fairly decent to make sure you're doing the best form possible:

Finally, go until real exhaustion, it's bodyweight, so you get a lot more leeway than if you were using weights. Go for something like 30-50 reps total before you quit(okay, maybe a bit hardcore, but maybe 3x your max reps and then go for bigger goals, you want to feel like you can't even do 1 after a minute rest). So if you only get 7 reps in the first time, rest a minute or two and go again, rinse and repeat. Unless you feel actual sharp pain, just keep going. You need to tear down that muscle and rebuild it stronger. If you're only doing one set to 3-8, it makes sense why you're not progressing.
@31sparrow Thanks.

I do 3x 3-8, should have made that clearer. The number was meant to show my max reps. I do this twice per week in a superset with pike push ups. I‘m also nowhere near pulling to my sternum and really want to build up my pull up game to then progress to the muscle up. Long way to go :D
@greg67 You would give them their own priority, you would do them first, if your able to pullup afterward great, if not, move pullips to another day. As many as your able, the goal is time under tension.
@greg67 You can add them wherever but they will affect your upper body pull workout, best to do them on a push or leg day. If you do them on a pull day, scale back accordingly as needed.
@izaach I have an upper/lower split, so no pull/push day. I feel like doing them on a „non-upper“ day will affect recovery too much. I‘ll just add them to my upper days before the workout and see what happens. Thanks! :)

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