I’d like some tips on what workouts I can do with just a log


New member
So I have a log that’s roughly 4 feet long and is heavy enough to feel the burn after doing 20 reps of anything with it. Now I don’t know how swole I’d get using just that but i want to change my appearance some what at the least. I have handles in it so I can do curls, and I can do squats with it but what else am I able to do with just a log? I’m not sure how to google that question without it looking up how to log workouts. So I’m here. Thanks for any tips.
@justin1234 Play with it.

Try to imitate any exercise you'd do with a normal barbell, or a single dumbbell (e.g. some bent over rows) and see if the movement feels ok with your log.

Suggestions are useless because the nature of the handles, etc can limit what is feasible to actually be done comfortably.

Think of a body part, think of standard exercises you do to work it out at an anatomic level, and try it.
@justin1234 You might want to look into sandbag training as well. Makes it easy to adjust weight and all you need are several sandbags and a few buckets of sand.