I’m 15 and largely overweight


New member
I’m not quite sure if this is the right place to put this, but I am 15, massively overweight and I really need help. For the past 3 or so years I’ve been bullied for the way I am, from classmates to my own parents, and I’m sick of it. I want so desperately to fix myself, get in shape and find the motivation to do it. But that’s just the thing, I have searched and searched but I can’t find the motivation no matter how hard I try. I have no idea how some strangers in the internet are supposed to help me, but I guess I’m doing this as some sort of last ditch effort, I don’t know. I just need some sort of motivation.
@bws1989 Honestly for me, my motivation is just self hate for the way I look.
Also, when I’m in the gym I have contests in my head with someone else there. Like, if I get on a rowing machine and someone else gets on next to you, you bet your ass I’m not getting off first.
Same as weights, if I’m done with a set and someone starts theirs, I’m picking those weights up again.

Starting out maybe try just short term goals. If you’re overweight I imagine a lot of body weight stuff would be good and cardio so maybe challenge yourself to do X amount of squats or, x amount of time on a bike then work up from there.
@keobong79 Im not sure really, I don’t really know how long it should take, but honestly I’m not bothered very much with time, as long as it happens I’ll be happy
@bws1989 The safe rate for loss (that stays off) is about 1 lb per week ( I think in imperial units). So you are talking a few years.

So, let's make a smaller goal, 4 lbs a month. How does that sound?
@bws1989 Saw you were 145 KG, so im basing my comment off of what to do at that weight.

I would start with trying to hit 10,000-12,000 steps a day and eating cleaner.

What do i mean by cleaner? Cut out sugary soda completely and replace it with diet drinks, start ordering smaller portions of side orders when you go out to eat, etc. This will be a slow start but something you can stick with, which is the most important part for your journey. Once you Get down to 110 KG, I would start looking to hit the gym. But start with walking first, you won't stick to the gym if you can't stick to walking.
@bws1989 Motivation is unreliable. What we need is discipline. Start small, slowly start changing up the diet because that'll be where you see 90% of your results. Things like eating a smaller portion than you had originally planned to.. drinking water with your meal instead of a soda. Once you begin doing that then start watching videos on how muscles are built so you understand the science behind it. Dedicate an hour a week to learning. Eventually dedicate one workout every other week while you keep studying diets/workouts on your off weeks.

The idea here is to slowly build discipline and change your lifestyle over time. Eventually you'll do one workout every week while continuing to study dieting/workouts. Then maybe two workouts a week while making sure you're hitting your protien goals daily.

Just keep in mind there are people that will try to sell you some long forgotten weight loss method that doesn't exist. All the information you need to know is available free online and doesn't require some stupid test that will lead to a product somebody is selling.

Remember slow changes require smaller amounts of motivation. Big and drastic changes may require Olympic levels of will power which not many people have so let's work with the easier one. That being said here are a couple of things you should know to get started..

Weight gain and loss is determined by calories in and calories out. If you burn more calories than you ate you'll lose weight. If you consume more calories than you use your body will store the excess.

If you're a woman keep in mind that building muscle won't turn you into a bodybuilder or give you She-Hulks body. The effort and dedication those women put in to build that muscle is a targeted effort and well beyond you right now.

You being fat is a great starting point to both build muscle and lose fat at the same time. And remember your body needs 3 things to build muscles. You got to break them down enough for them to need repair. You need to give your body the nutrients it needs to build back those muscles stronger. And you need sleep so make sure you're getting those 8 hours. And don't give me that "I only need 6 hours" bullshit. Sleep is prime time for your body to recover.

Your motivation will come and go but the discipline you build is what's going to keep you going even when you lose that fleeting motivation.

Watch Jeff Nippard on YouTube. He's done most of the studying for you and presents it for free.
@bws1989 I found listening to David Goggins two books motivational, as well as tracking progress over time. Seeing consistent improvement makes it easier to keep going. You got this!