I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight


New member
TW: mention of ED

This is kind of just a vent post but also looking for advice. I’m studying something that will probably land me a sedentary office job, which I’m starting to panic about.

I’m currently a healthy weight and don’t mind my body, but seeing posts on here where some people have to hit the gym DAILY just to maintain a healthy weight is stressing me out! I will not have the time for that, I enjoy light exercise 3-4 times a week but am trying to recover from an ED and too much exercise just feels like punishment for eating. Is it not possible to just eat fairly healthy and exercise a bit and be slim? Or will I have to exercise every day and torture myself just to like how I look? :( I’m very scared
@gailsie Hey, first I just want to tell you that you have my full support !

This kind of problems should be taken to a doctor + disorders specialist, but if I can give you an advice dont read too much this sub bc Ive noticed that so much posts here can be very « triggering » and nobody here is a specialist !

I wish u the best in recovery, listen to your body and exercise if you feel like it, not bc you feel compelled by it :)❤️
@carlthedreamer Thank you so much :’) this actually gave me so much relief, I feel like a lot of exercise/gym stuff on social media portrays it as ‘you need to do this every day or else you’ll be fat’ and it just got to me a lot lately. thank you
@gailsie Yep honestly the fitness community can be really toxic, and when you are a short woman its even worse [sup]^[/sup] also, if it can help you, exercising isnt only boring weightlifting or cardio, you can find a way of moving your body in a way that feels good for you/makes you happy ✨
@carlthedreamer Honestly this is great advice! I personally hate running, but get me in an intense boxing class and my cardio it's covered. Finding things you enjoy makes exercise less of a chore or more exciting than it could be otherwise
@gailsie I was in similar shoes when I was around your age. I weighed everything I ate, wouldn’t eat out, wouldn’t have alcohol, would freak out if my fitness pal wasn’t working, over exercising at the gym. I thought I was doomed to measure everything for the rest of my life. I ended up getting really busy with school, life and work and slowly stopped tracking everything so much. Still worked out but only when I could and guess what?? I didn’t gain 20lbs like I thought I would. Sure maybe my weight fluctuated about 3 lbs here and there but it wasn’t awful. 8 years later and I’m back to tracking lol but only because I had 2 kids and want to lose the weight but for the majority of those years in between I lived my life and it was very enjoyable.

You will be okay 💕 life is meant to be enjoyed and if you don’t enjoy working out everyday then don’t waste your time doing that.
@gailsie As a 40 year old, the best advice is to start healthy eating habits now that way you aren't trying to play catch up. And find something you enjoy that involves movement so it won't feel like exercise
@gailsie I had an office job for years, gained weight (for multiple reasons), quit my job, lost the weight (diet/exercise/lifestyle changes), switched to a very active job, then went back to office work. I was nervous about gaining the weight back/falling into old habits but I’ve been at this job for over 5 months and it hasn’t been an issue.

I do home workouts 5x per week and walk or do elliptical 6-7x per week but it’s something I enjoy and benefit from mentally. You can definitely maintain a healthy weight with an office job. You just have to find a balanced way of eating and getting activity in that works for you.
@godsbugaboo That’s good to know! Of course I know it’s possible but I really value rest time and just relaxing, I feel a lot of pressure when I hear people say they exercise every day like you do bc I find it hard to be motivated when I’m already so busy :( I’m glad you found what works for you though! Def jealous of your ability to do all that
@gailsie My home workouts that I do are only ~30-40 minutes, elliptical is 30 minutes, if I walk it’s ~38 minutes (I walk to a set place vs set time), so it’s not a crazy amount. Personally, I don’t really think of my walks as exercise more as something I like to do. I put my headphones in and enjoy starting my day with some time outside.
@gailsie Just simply going for a walk everyday and some fun, short, hiit workouts about 2 times a week should help you maintain and there are a ton of short, hiit workout videos on YouTube! Also, obviously be mindful of what you eat, lol. It’s really not that bad once you get into a routine.
@gailsie Instead of exercise (exercise=punishment), find activities that get you moving that you enjoy. Hiking, Frisbee golf, sports, martial arts, just some examples.
@gailsie I know it isn’t the same as a hike but some people like the affordable and portable walking pads for office work. Could this be a possible option for you during your work week?
@gailsie I had this same panic after graduating, I’m in great shape, probably better than when I was at university.

I like exercising as it motivates me, but I usually try to do 10k steps per day, I do HIIT/Bootcamp two-three times a week, and reformer Pilates once-twice a week. I eat healthy but just normal, nothing restrictive.
@gailsie Comparing with others is pointless because we all have different bodies and motivations and free time! Someone who works out daily might be doing it more for the mental health benefits, or maybe the session is really short. Never torture yourself. The best thing you can do is develop a health relationship with exercise, food and your body. That matters way more than weight and looks.
@teeeecher1 You’re so right. It’s just so easy to forget this when scrolling through social media and stuff. My battle rn is accepting my slightly bigger body after being very skinny most of my life. Thank you for this comment