I’m a chubby middle aged woman and I would like to know my plan is sound

@chadmc I've heard some people have success with naps and forget-to-eats, but those never worked for me, I just feel unsatisfied after a set :).
@flora01 I’ve heard that before! I love that saying!

Someone showed me something and it was basically saying that you’d have to run close to a marathon to burn 2.3kcal, and no one is doing that or half of that consistently (I mean, outside of people conditioned and trained for that kind of thing, but the average person isn’t).
@flora01 Wise and kind words! I am lucky to naturally tend toward a pretty healthy diet — mostly vegetarian (occasional poultry), I love fruit, I don’t drink soda or alcohol, my favorite dinner is a huge veggie salad with an egg, and my target calorie intake is 1500-1800. I overeat on weekends because this is when the couch-with-boyfriend, and the pretzels and ice cream happen.

I’m a treated and recovered bulimic (binge/restrict) and I have trouble stopping at “just a few” because I get crazy over the taste of that over-processed food. But I can also easily overeat ANYTHING – even raw oats. Weird stuff like that historically comes with eating disorder territory I suppose. :)
@sofialo09 I too am a weekend binge eater. I found that substitution works for me. Instead of the ben and jerry's, try a halo top, you still get the satisfaction of eating an entire pint, but at 1/4 the calories.
@inobelwilken07 "Pancakes and Waffles" Halo Top is my favorite... ooh, and Red Velvet. I am willing to spend more on HT if it means I can slowwwwly hog out on a whole pint happily. 3 cheers for low-cal substitutions that actually taste great!
@sofialo09 Cut up a bunch of veggies - onion, garlic, mushroom, green beans and/or broccoli and/or squash, maybe carrot, red cabbage, some jalapeno if you like spicy, saute / stir-fry it all, add some low sodium soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, some seasoning or fresh herbs, little wine or liquor, chow down. A whole plate of that is low in calories. I don't put it all in the pan at the same time, put in stages.

Switch it up by almost finishing cooking it, add canned fire roasted diced tomato, cumin, no sodium added chicken broth (liquid), tomato paste, wine or bourbon, simmer 15 minutes. No soy sauce or oyster sauce in this. Only one of the veg - broccoli, grn bean, squash, or whatever.
@highlyfavored85 You should have seen my dinner salad tonight – pretty close to these ingredients with the addition of some quinoa, all on a bed of cold romaine and spinach in a huge serving bowl with a blob of hummus on top. I love the mix of hot and cold ingredients. :) I think veggie-only bowls like this are so underrated!
@sofialo09 I recommend intermittent fasting, it's just personal experience but because of it I have complete control of my appetite and craves. Don't jump to 16 hours fast straight away though :)
@jmfaith I've tried 16/8 for extended periods... or is it 8/16? ... skipping breakfast, because I'm usually not hungry in the morning and dinner is my biggest meal. However, having NOTHING to eat in the morning rather than coffee with cream is difficult for me! Gotta have that coffee. :p IF has been an incredibly useful too for many of my friends and I occasionally still tend toward IF when I'm having those weeks when I'm not hungry in the mornings and can wait until 2PM or so to have lunch. When I don't feel hungry for breakfast is when I historically know I'm sorta safe from my overeating cravings too.
@jmfaith Oh sorry, that’s what I meant — I preferred to have coffee with cream rather than nothing, and nothing is what I should have been sticking with for the fasting.
@sofialo09 Yes, but it's not for everyone :D I've had times where I crack and eat earlier than I should be haha but that's mostly because my mom cooked something delicious.