I’m a chubby middle aged woman and I would like to know my plan is sound

@sofialo09 Can I suggest also have a look at your eating habits if you haven't done so already. I was a tubby at 92kgs, I tackled my food intake and the fat melted off me. I am now 79kgs and at 14% bodyfat
@adii I'm working on this as well. I overeat on weekends and am therefore holding on to a extra 20-30 pounds (overfat, not muscle). Tracking calories and pre-planning has been most helpful to me in the past, but as I get older, I'm noticing that overindulging in tasty food has become incredibly difficult to fight! My food-brain acts before my logic-brain can reign me in. :)
@christlovesme22 Sorry about the late add of specs! I didn't expect it to be important to the post, oops! Swimming is a great option, but I would only be able to do it one day of the week. Also... I can't swim! lol
@sofialo09 Got excited to hear your plan as I am a chubby, middle aged woman.

You’re younger than me, by a lot, my height, and skinnier than me.


I’ve got a lot of work to do.
@juanie123 Let's hear it for great beginnings for both of us!

I think the hardest part of a plan coming together happens in my brain... harder effort than ANY exercise to be sure.
@sofialo09 I don't have any real answers for you (except fat loss is down to a calorie deficit and that is easier to do with food and drink rather than exercise) but I sure as hell admire your honesty.
@sofialo09 Have you considered cold therapy in addition to your exercises? I have seen huge improvements through just minor cryotherapy (I asked one overweight person to simply switch from hot to cold showers every day, no exercise or diet changes, they lost 10 lbs in a month which made them STOKED to keep losing!)
@dawn16 A personal trainer last year told me to introduce myself slowly to discomfort this way! She told me to start with 20 seconds and make it up to a minute and beyond.

You're going to roll your eyes, but I made it a good 1.5 seconds before I shrieked and FLEW out of my shower. I tell you, I am an absolute freaking horrorshow when I'm out of my comfort zone. It's not even funny!
@sofialo09 Try an ice pack on the back of your neck. Wrap it in a thin towel or pillowcase and get some cold there. You will still get some benefits. You can also fill the tub w cold water and sit in it for a minute.