I’m a chubby middle aged woman and I would like to know my plan is sound

@sofialo09 Looks like a good plan. Just remember that as things start to get easier, you need to switch things up. Move onto a more challenging plan and make sure that you are consistently working outside of your comfort zone.
@sofialo09 It looks like a great plan. I’m glad you included goals. However, I do think you should add specifics to your goals to make your progress more tangible to you; i.e lose x pounds by y date. Be realistic about your goals and track your progress. 1-2 pounds a week is a good rate to shred fat and like you acknowledged, diet is a huge part of everything. The saying “bodies are built in the kitchen” is very true and if you keep that in mind I think you’ll do well.
@pkeck Defining goals is something I have definitely not done yet.

Instead of having a weight loss goal, however, I will probably do better to say something like "I will not miss 2 days in a row of healthy eating and activity". I can't control scale numbers and that doesn't mean I'm failing at the plan, but I CAN control the number of times I show up to do the work (which is a HUGE problem of mine – consistency and trusting the process. Using the scale as a tool over a long period of time to gauge my general progress makes excellent sense though.

Good call on the goal-setting, thank you!
@sofialo09 Use music when you excersise. It can really get you in the excersising ‘mood’ (uptempo, agrissive or mellow when your having A nice sunny easy walk)

Good luck !!
@saige3875 My Bluetooth earbuds have changed my life in terms of long walks, and my attitude toward things I don't want to do — including work! Fantastic advice and I'll take my buds with me whenever I exercise.
@sofialo09 In the beginning of ones training career practically every workout plan works because the body is not ised to the activity. The key is always progressesing. You have to add sets/reps little by little to the exercises, because if you don't the body will adapt to the same routine and you won't get further progress. That's why those workout challenges such as 100 squats a day don't get the best results. I mean yeah it's a good start but at the second week you are already used to doing 100 repetions so you won't make great progress, however if you add weight to them or reps you will get better results
@sofialo09 One app will change your body shape and diet permanently... and I hate that I have to admit it. Myfitnesspal.
Once you realise what you eat and what the caloric breakdown of each food is (basically the macros of protein, carbs, fat etc) you'll become very aware of what you can really eat a lot of what you need to avoid. Record everything and in six months youll have lost a significant amount of weight.
@sofialo09 I really admire your plan. My mum has been in a similar situation and the only advise thats worked for her is... KEEP IT SIMPLE.

The more complex the plan, the higher chance it won't last.

It's good to be ambitious, but also its vital to be realistic and make sure it's manageable.

If you're happy it's not too complicated and you feel it's achievable as a regular part of your life, then go for it.

Best of luck. There's some great answers on here!
@jessk Yes!! That's why I subbed in some other exercises that used tables and long counters, instead of 90º countertops and strong doors... I mean, I know it's relatively simple equipment, but I don't have those things at my disposal at work over lunchtime, so I made it as accessible as possible. It's hard for me to accept that I'm changing the RR workout in any way, which is why I am asking this sub if I ruined it... lol.
@sofialo09 Well, in my opinion, 165 is a great starting weight for this because you're going to see a lot of composition changes in a pretty small amount of time. Don't expect things to be fast, just be consistent and make sure you recover between sessions. If you under recover then training is going to be hard regardless.
@sofialo09 Well, bodyweight exercises are notoriously bad for hitting the lower body, so I don't see too much harm. Just listen to your body. Make sure you eat enough to fuel all of these activities. A lot of people who start their weight loss journey often eat too little and train too hard, burning themselves out. If it gets to a point where you feel like you're burning out, dial it down. The best exercises for you to do are the ones that you'll do.
@sofialo09 One bit of advice: the percentage of success (and more importantly, the ENJOYMENT of the transformation process) will greatly increase if you have a "buddy" along for the journey. Someone who also wants to workout, eat healthy, etx. But, dont rely on them for your success.....just be buddies.
@mercygrace I have been looking for a buddy. FOR. YEARS. I am the most consistent of all of my attempted buddies, which means they're in it for a week. Is there a "Swolemate" dating service?