I’m response to my last post: what’s that one food that you know is good for you or is a lower calorie option that you just refuse to eat?

  1. Any non-fat/skimmed dairy product is yucky. I'd rather drink plant-based alternatives instead (love oat, soy, and almond milk). As Ron Swanson said, "skimmed milk is just water that is lying about being milk".
  2. Agree on the egg whites. Gimme the fatty yolks too!
  3. Also agree with protein powder, but when drunk straight up with just water. Blended into a smoothie or added to a dessert/snack like brownies or baked oats? It's fine.
  4. Dehydrated coconut flakes on muesli and other "healthy" breakfast foods. They taste like nothing, they're super dry, and they don't even soften when soaked in milk. :\
@chaplain777 Protein powders. I’ve spent so much money trying different flavors and recipes.. i can always taste it.
Diet pops- not “good” for you but low calorie. Again, I’ve tried them all. I’d rather have no pop lol
All Beans (except green beans)- it’s a texture thing
@chaplain777 I had to giggle a bit because I adore grapefruit. To me, it's delicious and has a hit of nostalgia as it was always on the table at my babysitter's house. It's not for everyone!

I absolutely cannot and will not stand for low fat dairy products. Milk, sure, but why bother making low fat yogurt and sour cream that taste like water? Gimme full fat and I'm happy.
@chaplain777 I'm with you on protein powders. I can't stomach whey protein powder. Can't even have it baked in a recipe. I can always taste it. I have to stick to plant based protein powders. Thankfully there's a few good ones available in my area.
@chaplain777 I just can't eat eggs.
I’m vegetarian and could do with some extra protein as I’m also lactose intolerant, and I used to love eggs before but I can't stand their smell now. My brother always overcooked them and they always smelled so sulfuric, so rotten, and I started hating them. I can’t even eat boiled eggs now except if they're with soy dipping sauce, lol.
@chaplain777 Greek yogurt, Skyr, any type of high protein yogurt.

Protein shakes

( and it’s a problem because finding quick protein snacks as a vegetarian is not easy)
@chaplain777 I just can’t do coffee black 😔 My coffee mate hazelnut creamer is 70 calories for the 2 tbsp that I use, but I love it. It is what it is! Those are the only calories that I typically drink in a day.
@chaplain777 I want to note on your protein powder .. what are you mixing with? My hubs does water and ew no. Ill do almond milk in a pinch and chug it down but a good vanilla blended with fruit and yogurt can be wonderful!!
@chaplain777 My food is bitter gourd. Yes, it's literally called BITTER gourd. It's very good for people who have or are prone to diabetes, and because I'm Indian you know we spice it up! But I still hate eating it.

As for the spinach, when it's raw it leaves a weird film in my mouth if I eat it in large quantities, like as the bed to my salad. But I recently started making protien pizza at home (the crust is just tofu and flour, I got it off TikTok!), and I LOVE throwing spinach on their. Something about crispy baked spinach is so good, and you barely notice it there other than visually!

I agree about grapefruit. I don't know how people eat it plain. I used to force myself to eat grapefruit for nostalgic reasons- my grandma used to eat it all the time topped with black pepper. I began topping mine with salt, pepper, and a generous squeeze of honey, and now I eat it because I actually like it!
@chaplain777 Low/no fat versions of dairy products outside of almond milk. Most trade it out for sugar and I'd rather have extra (usually) healthy fats and be more sparing with the portion sizes.