I’m response to my last post: what’s that one food that you know is good for you or is a lower calorie option that you just refuse to eat?

@godisveryreal Oh nooooo I love seaweed in all its forms hahaha. My grandmother was from Korea and made us seaweed soup every weekend we stayed at her house 😅 it’s the worst soup for a texture eater
@chaplain777 Low calorie snacks. I hardly ever snack. It's not a habit. But if I do, don't come to with those weird low calorie options (yes I am looking at you /r/1200isplenty). If I really want to snack, I'm just going for the actual proper thing. Don't give me that low calorie nonesense.
@chaplain777 Are you into cottage cheese? You can blend it smooth in a blender or food processor! Then it can be made sweet or savory. My latest thing is making cheese sauces with blended cottage cheese.....it's amazing! Tons of protein!