A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

@chiril Yes, or buy Ghee (clarified butter) instead of butter.

The milk solids that do remain in butter are removed when the butter is clarified (what the Indians call ghee). There might be minute amounts of lactose in ghee, but it is unlikely to be enough to have an effect on those who are lactose intolerant.
@asha0210 Keto seems to have stopped my depression.

Keto means I'm in control of my eating, rather than the constant, ravenous hunger I have with sugars and starches.

Keto has gotten me into a healthy BMI.

Keto means I have hours of energy, whether I've eaten or not. Meals are when I have time, not when my hunger demands it.

Keto means my cholesterol is healthy again.

Keto means my wife, my family, and my doctor see me as a success story.

And he wants to argue that keto is bad because HF appears to be bad for a rodent herbivore in one study? Look, this guy isnt interested in actual evidence or debate. I debated his talking points, and he demanded I provide evidence of my own. Look at how he disappeared when I provided a lot of primary literature of studies involving people on a HF diet longer term.
@teshuvah777 Nice work.

Keto means I have hours of energy, whether I've eaten or not. Meals are when I have time, not when my hunger demands it.

One of the greatest benefits right there. My mood/productivity/concentration is not dictated by how long ago my last meal was.
@asha0210 I think I do agree with you, in general. I've been on an effective Keto diet for several months. I began, however, when I was in a mid-life crisis/depression point of my life and ever since, I have felt fucking great. I mean, there have been other changes (began working out and getting exercise very regularly plus a financial boost from stable job), but I can without a doubt say that my mood has improved in a truly kick ass way. Not only am I happier in general, even my "low points" ---- like that 2:30 feeling or even after a couple of days of not working out ---- is not near as bad as before. I seem to be more long term positive and forward thinking.