I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

@devonian A long time ago, there was this thread about a GLARING example of cheating in the Open.
Note that even when presented with data, people in this community bent over backwards to make excuses like "maybe he had a bad day". (read the thread). Some time after that, the athlete highlighted in this thread was busted for looping his video to cheat, and banned for four years. Even when accused, with evidence so overwhelming it was a joke, people were like "nah he probably didn't cheat just move on just move on ok"

Weeks later the guy gets busted as the biggest cheater in the history of CF. No one wants to have the conversation.

The scores in the Open are as likely as not to be legit. If you didn't see it on camera, it didn't happen. And even if there is a video, it might not have happened. Is Brooke Hass's 19.2 1st place overall still up? Why yes, yes it is.
@lisarose001 The biggest cheater in the history of CF is Scott Paltos in 2011, 2012 and finally 2013 people caught on and called him out on his shit after 13.2.

Back when there was no video required, he was posting scores ranking him top 10 in the world. Entering the regionals top 5 both years and doing absolutely horrible on the workouts day 1, after the 1st workout of day 2 both years he would withdraw with an “injury” fearing he’d be exposed. 2013 after 13.2 people saw him posting top 5 worldwide scores AGAIN he was getting threats, wisened up and dropped out.

Scott is a strong dude but not meant for CrossFit.
  1. He’s not my boy. One of the biggest tools i’ve met. He also looped a video in 2013 during 13.2 that he posted on youtube on his own accord, which is what lead to people calling him out.
  2. At the time it was major league cheating. CrossFit didn’t require videos from the open until 2014, I’m sure he wasn’t the only one but a big contributing factor to why it became neccessary.
I knew he was a fraud in 2011 when he absolutely bombed the first workout (run 1k, 30 HSPU, row 1k for time) and looked like he’d never done HSPU before. Sure back in 2011 & 2012 it wasn’t unheard of for the weekend warrior to qualify for regionals, but in spots 50-60, not top 10. It was confirmed he was a fraud in 2012 when he once again made an appearance as a top 10 open finisher, struggling to snatch 165 and do double unders....shortly after faking an injury. I wouldn’t call that minor league. He legitimately thought because of his athletic background he could fake his way to the games.

Once he walked away from Crossfit he redirected himself towards powerlifting and flexed his “strength” on crossfitters but no actual powerlifter cared about him. In 2015 he competed in a USPL qualifier attempting a 600# squat as his first lift he bit off more than he could chew, doing a russian twist in the bottom of his squat and legitimately injuring himself. Never competed in Powerlifting again either.
@dawn16 I’m going to give an honorable mention to a man named Arlen Castenada, “The Lion” for biggest cheater in the old North Central region. Roughly 2013-2015.

This is a guy who and I saw it... used a old worn writing on 10# wb for his open wallballs but rewrote 20# on it. Would miraculously hit top 5 worldwide open workouts especially wallball ones.

Don’t get me wrong- dude was strong. 300# snatches back then...yet...bombed and i mean bombed Randy. Prob would have gotten last using the female weight.

This man ran a 14 minute open mile on the teueform one year. And regional qualifier? Laughable.

And I’m not even gonna tell the story of when he claimed he tore his bicep on that Tommy V rope climb workout, pulled out and wrapped his arm in sleeve but then came back and won the snatch and then dead last on everything else. 6 deadlasts and a first.

Last I heard, once people started calling him out. He sold his crossfit gym and started an orange theory.
@10trouble13 In the video of the workout, she never attained 50 DU. In some rounds, she was at 43! It's shame because she went HAM on the cleans and obviously has crazy capacity, but she didn't do the work. It wasn't 1 or 2 reps. Dozens were not done. her judge really messed up. But no one cares.
@lisarose001 Oh, you’re right. I just watched her video. Maybe 49 on round 1 and 47 or 48 on round 2.

Her judge definitely fucked up. Brooke’s dubs are kinda slow so it shouldn’t be that difficult to count.

Even with a 1 second penalty per rep, she’d still be in 2nd. If she did all of them, she might still be in 1st.
@10trouble13 You better watch again. She never hit 49. There's a thread on it where people went in detail; I don't remember the exact numbers but she had some 43s in there. The thread from last week has her name in it; should be easy to find. No matter how you want to slice it, she left 25 or so reps on the table.

Brooke is really amazing, and she blasted that workout. But the rules call for her to get the 15%, which would knock her down a few hundred places or so. I agree that Brooke is awesome, but as the rules are written, she deserves the penalty for submitting this. It is what it is.
@lisarose001 Which really sucks because I believe she definitely could have still won the workout while hitting all dubs. I personally can’t count dubs and breath properly when doing them myself so I wonder if she has the same issue. Clearly she’s in a league far above mine but this would explain why she maybe just followed the judge’s lead so blindly.
@lisarose001 Especially the big names should be held to standards for these reasons, even if it was unintentional. I've commented on here and YouTube about rich fronings video, that he only hit 47 DUs the first round. Not even against him, but there need to be higher standards for the judges.
@lisarose001 haha wow that is so true and terrible, but I can just laugh. All the crossfit SJWs came out in full force to that thread. I appreciate the optimism that nobody would cheat but there are cheaters in every sport. Through my 8 years of crossfit, I see the below average to average exerciser to cheat more than competition-level athletes on a daily basis. Not sure if that is a normal distribution issue or what, but just a trend I've noticed.
@lisarose001 Yeah sometimes people on reddit suck and don’t see the bigger picture. Most likely the ones saying shit like that do it themselves so they don’t see anything wrong with others doing it.
@devonian I don't know man, every judge I've ever had at my gym was pretty generous with the no rep, especially with that hspu standard last year and the feet together on burpee standard they introduced. I don't know anyone at my gym that intentionally shorts a movement, unless they are unaware they are missing the standard - which happens.
@devonian “Dude, did I tell you I eagled 16 on the way to a 71! I’m nearly a scratch golfer.” - every round w/certain friends ever. It’s not just crossfit.