I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

@devonian If you sign up for a comp, then you follow the rules of the comp. Period. If people want to cheat themselves during daily workouts, so be it, but if they sign up for a competition, then there need to be standards.

Everybody knows who the rep shavers are in the box, especially the coaches. I actually used to love being judged because I hate counting during a workout. I know I am bad at it for certain multi part movements, like burpees. I constantly lose my place. God forbid it is a bupree pull-up combo...YIKES!

Don't cheat your body!
@jhm59 I love the Opens for the sole reason that is exposes rep shavers at my box. Our judges are to the letter because that is the way it should be.
@devonian I’m a beginner and am doing the open for the first time and the coaches and the judges at my box are super strict and I love it.
Every week they remind us about the No Bro Rep Rule as they call it.
I’ve had a few no reps in 19.1 because im v bad at wallballs and when I was telling about that to my non-cf friends they were like “yeah but you’re just starting out they could’ve given you those reps” and I really appreciate that they didn’t.

Do I cheat my reps during wods sometimes? Yes. (Though i say to myself i’m just scaling) But I would never do it in a competition.

Btw Im consistently having the worst scores in the box, but at least we’re all playing the same fair game and Im proud of myself for at least trying.
@devonian Same. The coaches at my gym for whatever reason were not explaining/enforcing the alternating leg rule on the box steps ups. The only people who did it were the more competitive mindset athletes who took it on themselves to read the movement standards. I made a comment that people in our gym were doing it wrong and got some major eye rolls.
@devonian I agree. I kinda get the sentiment in terms of the new Games qualifications ie “most the people complaining aren’t going to the games”
But when it comes to judging standards It Doesn’t Matter! These open wods are benchmark workouts that should be done with the best judging standards you can get. It’s the same kinda dishonesty as someone saying “I squat 600lbs” when it’s quarter squat. If you want to get better, which should apply to everyone, you need objective measurements.
@devonian I was trying to find a video of someone close to me in 19.3 this weekend. There arne't many videos of course, especially at my horrible, scaled level. But I watched like the top 8 in my finishing range, and every one of them was rediculous. One guy did 150m lunges, there are 5 other people in the background so the same workout that go for another 50m while he is onto steps already, hilarious... Then the rest were all just bad form, lunges not touching, almost no one did legs back and forth for steps ups... Which, ok, that is a weird one that I'm not sure really helps you much, but why not just read the rules in 45 seconds and then do it the way you're supposed to...

I don't really care about ranking, I was just curiious. It mostly just makes me appreciate my coaches are actually enforcing the standards, seems like a tonne of boxes out there just don't care at all.
@devonian I'm tired of... These posts. Coaches assuming the worst about people, are total douchers. Lighten up, ignore this crap you think or assume is happening (because it is far from as rampant as everyone seems to think) and just focus on the people that want to be better, the bad apples will weed themselves out.
@acts2416 I agree, I don’t see it happening much at all. Each gym I coached/ worked out at everyone was cool with following the standards to comply with the rules, even if it meant they were going to have a very poor score. I feel like it can be controlled through holding people to the standards during class throughout the year.
@diannehenry27 All you have to do is read through comments on reddit in regards to scoring and the open. It’s not that it is happening in overwhelming proportions but it shouldn’t happen at all. Either sign up for a competition and follow the rules and standards or don’t... glad you have a gym with high standards. Everybody’s gym experience is different though.
@acts2416 I wish this were true. I watched 5 video submissions last year and every one of them didn’t meet movement standards. These were top 200 athletes in the age group qualifier. If people are going to cheat on videos they submit for judging, I think it’s a fair assumption that it happens more often than we would like to admit.
@dawn16 Yeah my box had a guy compete at the masters level last year and he gets away with a lot of bro reps during this stage.

Even my wife was commenting on the lack of opening his hips on the box steps up.
@acts2416 Nobody said it was a rampant problem, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen frequently. It shouldn’t happen at all. The old “they’re not competitive so let it slide” bullshit shouldn’t happen at any level.
@acts2416 the fake score percentage in the Open is probably what? 40% fudge it a little? 50%? 80%

Its so bad that a girl just posted a fake score AND a video and no one said shit

It's fuckin rampant