I’m the crying girl

@whitehorse I’ve cried at the gym, too, and it was fine. Nobody cared.

Bad advice: go lighter on the weights so you are one of the first to finish, lol! I do that all the time! 😬😬😬 Whoops!

Honest advice: nobody cares if you are the last one to finish or if you cry. What they DO care about is that you show up, you put in the work, and you put your equipment away. 😁
@xmountainx That’s not bad advice at all. If you scale the weight so you can keep moving at a good pace and move safely you’re still getting the stimulus. And if you’re not first to finish by like 5. United because of it then I would say you scaled appropriately
@xmountainx Honestly I don't even care if people don't put in the work sometimes. I only care that people are friendly, don't talk while the coach is trying to explain something and put their equipment away.
@joed Dumbbell thrusters make me wanna cry... I can't fucking do them for some reason, my body just feels like it's stuck in the mud and it's SO hard to get out of the squat 😢 bb thrusters are also horrible but better than dumbbells
@whitehorse I’ve cried at the gym before & honestly I don’t even think people remember it. No one is thinking about you more than YOU are! Be proud of yourself because you keep showing up.
@whitehorse Everyone at my gym was always very supportive of the people who finished last. Encouraging them, clapping. Some people even jumped in and did extra to finish with them so they didn’t feel alone. A lot of us have been there and it’s hard and makes you feel like poop, but even the athletes in the games finish last sometimes. No one is judging for it (and if they are they suck so don’t take it personally). I’ve cried and been defeated before absolutely. And yes a lot of us (most of us) have ripped open our shins on a box. It happens and you’ll be nervous to jump for awhile. If your gym has soft boxes (ie with covers) snag one of those. That’s all I use now after box jump shin trauma one too many times haha. Hang in there.
@forsakengirl I finish last frequently still. I hate the way it feels having everyone cheer me on and look at me. But it forces me to to push and finish hard and I appreciate what people are doing. So, hell yeah.
@forsakengirl I hate people coming over and cheering on. It's horrible. I know most people like it though and they do it to be encouraging. My main motivation for not finishing last is to not get cheered on!