I (5'0/1m53cm and 32yo) counted my daily calorie intake for the first time in one year after losing 12kg/26,5lbs


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So, for the past 5 days, I counted my calories for the first time in 53 weeks. I was curious about my protein intake because I want to gain more muscle and I need to eat around 100 to 120gr of protein to see better results.

These were my calories:

Day 1 - 1842kcal

Day 2 - 1868kcal

Day 3 - 2963kcal (work party with a 3-course meal)

Day 4 - 2100kcal

Day 5 - 1910 kcal

I am pleasantly surprised by my daily calorie intake!! I used to live on 1200kcal a day. Back then, I was tired and hungry all day, and eventually gained all the weight back when I ate more than those 1200 calories. I also struggled with binge eating but not anymore. This morning, I stepped on the scale and I even lost 0,5kg (1lbs) since last week!?

I hope this shows that as a petite you don't need to eat as few calories as possible to lose weight. And I am not blessed with a fast metabolism! I was overweight as a child and even until a year ago, and obesity runs in the family. But now I work out 4-5 times a week for 1,5-2 hours at a time and I walk a lot too and doing those things helped me increase my metabolism.

This is the first time in my life that I lost a significant amount of weight in one year that I didn't regain quickly after eating almost twice the calories I was told to eat by apps like My Fitness Pal or the internet (because I believe that's why we all think we need to eat 1200kcal).

So...walk and move a lot, sign up for that gym and go lift those weights, eat your protein, carbs and fats, sleep 8 hours, and also eat balanced, healthy meals (with occasionally a pizza or cookie). Don't be afraid of calories and don't be restrictive. It will only mess up your metabolism in the long run and you will be more sensitive to binge eating. Food is fuel, not your enemy :)

Edit: here are my before & after pics (please click the link because I think the preview only shows my before photo!?)
@mrmajesty I love love loveeee this! I've been meaning to do a post similar as I also lost weight this year eating above the "holy grail" of 1,200/1,300 calories and I'm convinced it's the best approach for true long term weight loss and management

I also believe it's the key to managing binges because I'm satisfied with my food intact therefore I don't get fixated on what I "can't have"

And lower calories compromise your muscle growth, so although eating more might slow your weight loss, you'll actually reveal a better shape in the end!
@seektruth247 You should definitely share it in a post because it may encourages other people to rethink their diet mentality. Like you, I am also convinced that eating 1200/1300 kcal is not sustainable for long term weight loss.

Yes! I think counting calories and eating a little amount of food are huge triggers for binge eating.
@mrmajesty This is what I need to keep reminding myself!! Eating a sensible/higher amount daily always results in a more stable/lower weight than when I’m trying to restrict, because I aaalways end up binging more. It is so so tempting to try and restrict more to lose faster, but it never works for me. There’s even been studies that support this! More restriction often leads to more weight gain long term!