I designed a map with progression trees for most popular bodyweight exercises

@supperz0nic love this skill tree ^^. The app looks super cool, but is more involved than I want to get into. So I printed to pdf and covered the unlocked skills with text boxes and will unlock as I get 10 reps or 20s or something of the previous skills. Thanks for making this!
@supperz0nic This is actually super helpful for me, I've struggled with the basic plan that's out there. I can do all the basic stuff quite easily, and most of the second-level things, but it gets complicated to follow...for me at least, with reading comprehension issues.

Thank you for putting this together and sharing it!
@supperz0nic This is very pretty!

As for app with goals/pogressions/achievements... There's Calistree (calistree.com / calistree.app ) by /@0gods4me-deveseleer which has all that, shows skill tree for every exercise, has goals, progressions, achievements... Check it out. I've been using it for 3 weeks now and I gotta say it's pretty decent.
@pancake5630 Certain game-like features will be in the app to help you understand that you are still improving, even when it is not so clear to you. But never as a distraction from your main goal: level up your stats in real life.

I would also love to hear, and learn, from these success stories.