I did a Tuck L-sit for 25 seconds!


New member
I'm so overjoyed at my progress with this. I'll post a form check because I am probably doing something wrong, but I held it for 25 seconds before stopping!
I'm working out for close to two years now, and feel I have gotten really much more confident in my body, I'm stronger than I ever was. But still, L-Sit progression looks me square in the eye every time, screaming Imma make you shake and curse the day you were born, you pancy!
@dawn16 Depends heavily on your form.

If your form is correct it should work in your triceps, shoulders and a good deal of abdominals compressing your core like in pike compressions.
@dawn16 I feel like it mainly does my triceps but I really don't know, my triceps are always sore the next day, and I have nowhere to do dips.
@hkdr Awesome. I really cant seem to do Tuck L-Sit at all for some reason. If I lift my legs while tucked my hands end up too far back and I can't hold it. I CAN do regular L-sit for a few seconds though :p
@beastnate123 Thanks so much :)

My friend can't do tuck L-sit because of his long torso, that might be it?

Also the regular L-sit is far away for me, you being able to do it for a couple seconds is awesome!!!

Have a nice week :--)
@beastnate123 It is possible, just quite a bit harder. If you swing forward like that it means you need to work on your compression. Look up Antranik's video on compression work.

In the mean time, practicing on p bars is a good idea!