I don’t understand the direction this sub has taken in the past months.

@darrendance I'm kinda confused, you're saying people are claiming natty when they're not? Are you aware there is a whole HUGE problem in the fitness industry that there are people that lie and people that are genetic anomalies.

I haven't seen anyone claiming natural that didn't look natural in this subreddit. I especially haven't seen anyone who is obviously yoked say they're natural!

I appreciate you saying you're not judging, but im just confused about what you ARE doing.

Even if they're lying, who cares? Are you going to pay for their wada approved ped drug tests?

If you can prove to me someone is lying, point them out so I can give them their downvotes 🤌
@dawn16 Yeah, I saw that after I posted this. He doesn't seem natty. We can't tell unless we can find a way to measure his fat-free mass index. 27 is about where people can not continue to put on muscle without anabolics.

Lat veins are usually a sign too

Edit: did the math, he's got a ffmi of 29 in a few pictures.
@shayla22 That aspect seems fine- definitely eating tons. I have this sense that the proteins I’m using aren’t filling the need. I just need a bit more education. Hence, the vegan nutritionist.
@darrendance Aw yes, if you think you lack protein you should supplement for a bit with pea protein to see if that was the issue. I doubt it though as it’s easy to eat enough protein with wheat gluten, lentils, beans, nuts ect….even the carbohydrate heavy foods carry decent protein (breads and pasta).

For example right now I’m dipping some fresh pita into hummus and peanut butter (alternating). Protein everywhere. Many calories for muscles.
@shayla22 It may not even be the protein part. But, that’s what it feels like. This is why I am meeting with a nutritionist. I train 5 days a week but my muscles just feel “flat”.
@darrendance Aw yessss, not enough carbohydrates. If you train hard and daily you will need to eat a SHIT load of carbs. Muscle glycogen is 1gram carb and 3-4 grams of water in the muscle. This is what gives you explosive muscular energy AND full muscles.

The amount of carbs needed if you train hard and are a bigger guy is insane. I’m talking 400-600 grams A DAY to replace the glycogen.

Let’s not forget overtraining is a thing.

Solution: Eat more carbs or train less often.
@darrendance Tbh I feel like the exact opposite, this sub now has lots of really talented people showing off the amazing progress they’ve made, I find it really motivating. And just a few months ago I felt like this sub was saturated with people taking quasi selfie nudes in front of a dirty mirror.
@darrendance There's nothing wrong with using steroids. I mean I would never do it, but it doesn't impact anyone else so I have no problem with it. Even not admitting to it is not necessarily wrong since it might be illegal in the area where the user is.

But coming to a fitness sub and telling other people explicitly that you've never juiced when others have been training for years and will never see the type of results that you have, is pretty shitty. Small pp energy.
ossified murky quarrelsome whistle direction trees crush literate command shrill

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It just feels so counterintuitive to the health benefits of being vegan and appreciate the clean nature of the diet.

the term veganism does not explain what a person eats. simply what they don't (animal products). thus a vegan diet is not inherently healthy, or "clean".

Is this the direction of the vegan movement?

this is a sports sub for vegans, it does not represent veganism as a whole. furthermore the available posts may not even represent the broader population on this sub.
@darrendance Where are all these posts from obviously enhanced people? I have only seen a few on here who look like they are probably on PEDs. This sounds like "anyone who looks better than me is on steroids" cope.
@darrendance Veganism isn’t a diet. That’s why we look for vegan products (shampoo, makeup, shoes, etc.) we obviously aren’t eating those.

Therefore, vegans can be as healthy or as unhealthy as any non-vegan. Some vegans drink alcohol, smoke, do PEDS, drive too fast, etc. I eat non-dairy icecream and chikn nuggets. As long as the animals are healthy, idgaf about whether my food is “clean”.

If you don’t like steroid users, you’re gonna have a bad time in any fitness space.

That said I think a lot of people are quick to say “steroids!” when it’s not. I’ve been asked if I do steroids and I definitely don’t (nothing against them, I am just poor and on other meds that wouldn’t mix well) which just goes to show how uninformed people are about them.