I guess I’d better get used to barely eating anything 🙄


New member
Just ranting. 5’2, trying to lose weight, need to eat 1400 to be at a deficit at my current weight. Been doing that, plus exercise, and I’ve already lost 4 lbs (yay!) This got me wondering what my my maintenance will be once I lose weight and hit my goal. At THAT weight? My maintenance will be 1400 😑 being short sucks. That’s all. Happy Memorial Day.
@nuke11 Search here for body recomp. Plenty of people 5'3 and shorter are eating 1800-2100 calories by building muscle.

More muscle, more calories burnt at rest.

It's all about your goals. I like volume eating so I am frequently full with less calories.
@hcmcity Yes, this.

I am not an athlete or anything but I am 5’2 and lost 40 pounds eating over 2,000 calories a day. I now maintain my weight (120ish) at about 2,000-2,300 calories a day with about 120 grams of protein a day.

I’m not anywhere close to an expert here, but building muscle has been sooo important to me because I love to eat. I was literally miserable and exhausted when I used to eat 1200-1400 calories a day. It was not healthy at all.

I recommend looking into weight lifting, macro tracking, and reverse dieting. All of these things have helped me to get to a really healthy place, physically and emotionally.
@anxious I’m 5’2” as well - what does your workout routine look like in terms of exercises/reps/weight lifted? I’d love to build a bigger caloric buffer without sacrificing performance
@tandervel Nothing crazy.

I do two leg days a week with squats, lunges, Bulgarians, hip thrusts…. Then usually two upper body days with curls and rows and all that. My weights aren’t particularly impressive at this point. And I do body pump at least once a week which a full body work out weight lifting class, but more like HIIT than real weight lifting.

I don’t do any cardio, just ten mins on the tread mill if I have time. And I’m a mom so I’m active at home too and go on daily walks with my kids usually so I don’t feel the need for cardio at the gym
@healing Not the person you asked but I usually eat around 100-150g of protein a day. I start usually with a high protein breakfast ( a shake, a banana and some walnuts as a pre workout snack and after I hit the gym I’ll eat again. Some cottage cheese with fruits or Greek yoghurt). For lunch I like going for some sort of meat/protein and a lot of vegetables. Dinner is pretty much the same. But I also eat like A LOT of cottage cheese and quark (it’s a German thing probably). Tuna is also great if you like that as a wrap filling. Protein bars can helped but I haven’t found one yet that I really like that isn’t crazy expensive😅
@healing I only have European/German suggestions so I’m not sure if there’s “myprotein” available in your country? I tried their vegan protein powder and it was alright. Especially for baking.